What are key obstacles to growth for your paint operations? (Chose all that apply) What is the single most important obstacle to growth? 30% Operating space 11% Business competition 28% Workforce/skill level 6% Regulatory concerns 35% 35% Workforce/ Skill Level Operating Space What is the most important attribute about the primary aircraft coating system that you currently use? 58% Quality Ease of use 21% 17% 8% Durability 4% Availability 4% Gloss 31% 15% 17% Dry time 4% 17% 8% <1 1-2 3-5 6-9 10+ Years How long have you currently used your current primary paint system? Other AviationPros.com/company/10134757 www.AviationPros.com 29http://www.pentagon2000.com http://www.AviationPros.com/company/10134757