Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 4


We Are Alone, Together
My new coworker started mid-March and
I am just not sure he's going to cut it.

He demands waffles and bananas every morning,
screams "apple juice" whenever he takes a drink of water
(or anything for that matter), throws a fit if things don't
go his way and takes long afternoon naps when he really
should be working. He doesn't get much work accomplished, but I guess that's what you should expect from
an almost 2-year boy.
Like many of you, my state is under quarantine while we
battle COVID-19. And, while I am no stranger to working
By Jennifer Wilberschied, from home, I now have my husband working in our small,
two-bedroom condo, as well. He works as a customer
service rep for a music technology company, answering customer calls from our
bedroom office, while I take over our dinning room table. Our son, also known as
"the boss" these days, as he truly rules this home office, is no longer attending daycare
and has been running around the house stir crazy. We all are, really.
It has been a huge adjustment for
us all. I have always needed complete silence to focus on something.
Schoolwork as a child, and now, writing and editing content for Aircraft
Maintenance Technology. As you can
imagine, these days, my office is anything but silent. My husband is cooped
up in our little bedroom with a desk
in the corner instead of going into the
office, talking to customers about their
needs with a screaming toddler in the
background: "aaaaaapple juice!" And
poor Landon; he asks to see his dayMy son, Landon, making sure to
care teachers almost daily and whines make deadline on his schoolwork.
when I say that we can't. He misses his
extended daycare family and his schedule is completely upside down.
But on the flip side, I have been given the opportunity to see my little man grow
so much in the past month already. His vocabulary is exploding, he's learning letters
and numbers and colors. He is truly soaking in everything he sees and hears. I am
grateful to have been given the blessing of being able to experience so much of his
development right now. Even if it means waking up early to get started before "mama"
rings boisterously down the hallway, doing circle time with his daycare buddies right
before my work conference call, stirring his lunch on the stove between answering
e-mails, kissing boo boos while taking a call from a coworker, listening to Sesame
Street songs in the afternoon, doing his school projects between my own responsibilities, working after he's in dreamland and even working on Easter Sunday (today).
Even though Coronavirus has put an immense amount of stress on us all professionally and personally, I ask you to look for the good. Appreciate the extra time with
your families, even if it means a late night at your computer. Try to stay positive and
use this time to create an even stronger bond with your spouse, your kids, yourself.
We may be alone, but we are alone, together.



Published by Endeavor Business Media
1233 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
+1 (920) 563-6388 * +1 (800) 547-7377
Volume 31, No. 4, April/May 2020
Jennifer Wilberschied, Editor, +1 (586) 822-3612
Ronald Donner, Aviation Consultant, +1 (224) 324-8531
Walker Jaroch, Assistant Editor, +1 (920) 563-1613
Eavan McGrath, Assistant Editor, +1 (920) 563-1641
Contributors: Pete Bunce, Karen Davies, Brett Levanto, Ronnie Wendt,
Del Williams
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+1 (402) 836-6366

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Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Editor's Takeoff: We Are Alone, Together
Developing a Strong Bond
Tech Spotlight: Meeting Military Standards
Paints and Coatings: State of the Industry Report: Aircraft Paints & Coatings
Special Feature: Does Your Coating Thickness Meet Spec?
MRO Feature: The Journey of Elliott Aviation
Product Focus: Ladders, Stands & Platforms - Build, Tear Down, Reuse
ARSA Insight: What Relief Looks Like
GAMA Insight: Strengthening the General Aviation Workforce
Professionalism: Compassionate Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shop Talk: Welcome to Papa's Playhouse
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 1
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 2
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 3
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Editor's Takeoff: We Are Alone, Together
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 5
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 6
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 7
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 8
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 9
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Developing a Strong Bond
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 11
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 12
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 13
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 14
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 15
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Tech Spotlight: Meeting Military Standards
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 17
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 18
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 19
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 20
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 21
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 22
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 23
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Paints and Coatings: State of the Industry Report: Aircraft Paints & Coatings
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Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 26
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 27
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 28
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 29
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Special Feature: Does Your Coating Thickness Meet Spec?
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 31
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 32
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 33
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - MRO Feature: The Journey of Elliott Aviation
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Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 36
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 37
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Product Focus: Ladders, Stands & Platforms - Build, Tear Down, Reuse
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 39
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 40
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 41
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 42
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 43
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - ARSA Insight: What Relief Looks Like
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 45
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - GAMA Insight: Strengthening the General Aviation Workforce
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 47
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Professionalism: Compassionate Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 49
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Shop Talk: Welcome to Papa's Playhouse
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 51
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 52