Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 48


Compassionate Leadership

During the COVID-19 Pandemic
These are uncertain times for all of us. We are navigating uncharted waters and
we don't know what the future holds for us at work or home.

by Karen Davies

Karen Davies has been
with ServiceElements
for six years and has
more than 25 years
of diverse aviation
experience, including
customer service
within a repair and
overhaul facility. She
holds an Aircraft
Dispatcher License
and is a Certified
Aviation Manager.



Our industry has and will be heavily affected -
for some of us, business has increased as travelers
choose general aviation over commercial airlines; for
others, business has slowed as travelers stay home
and cancel trips.
It is a very challenging time for all of us and our
However, this is not the time to think only about
budgets and revenue, milestones or KPI's; this
is the time to think about people - our
team members, co-workers, customers, visitors, support staff, family, community.... Everything
right now needs to be about
people. We will get through
this, and when we do,
people will not remember
what was done but how it
was done. Employees will
remember how they were
treated by their companies
and managers during this
difficult time. Customers will
remember the customer service,
the flexibility and the understanding
they received. If we are effective in putting
people first during this challenging time and being
sympathetic leaders, it will build exceptional customer
and employee loyalty.
Many operations and businesses have already implemented reduced working hours, staggered shifts, skeleton crews and remote working to allow for increased
social distancing and changes in normal work volume/
traffic. How is this affecting your team members and
customers? Our industry thrives with change and the
need for us to remain flexible is more so now than ever
before. Helping your teams and customers stay healthy,
safe and secure is what matters now.
Uncertainty can create anxiety for many. This anxiety can cause someone to become snappy or irritable.
Some people who are isolating at home may miss the
social connections and feel lonely. The need for compassionate and empathetic leadership is critical now.

As a leader you must maintain morale and positivity
amongst your team, and be supportive and understanding. This is a time to become personal and to
learn more about the people around you - to show
them that you and the company care about them.
In these unprecedented times, over-communication
by leaders is vital. No one has all the answers right now
but don't try and candy coat things and make promises
that can't be kept or set unrealistic deadlines; now
is the time for honesty, so don't be afraid
to tell your customers and your team
what you don't know. Similarly,
encourage your team and
co-workers to avoid speculation and instead direct
them to reliable sources
of information.
We are social creatures
and lack of contact with
team members can start
to etch away at engagement and motivation levels,
so check in regularly with your
remote team members or those on
a shift which does not overlap with
yours. Show them that you are there for
them and that you care. If team members are distracted or falling off track, gently guide them back.
Finally, these times also require self-compassion.
We can often be our worst critics, but now is the time
to be kind to yourself and recognize your strengths
and positive qualities.These are unprecedented times
and now, more than ever, we need resilient and compassionate leaders who prioritize people and are not
afraid to face and prepare for the uncertain future
we all currently face.
Our industry has always excelled and improved
in the face of challenge and change. As you work to
swiftly and effectively meet the needs of all of your
stakeholders, please know that ServiceElements is
available to assist with leadership coaching - free
of charge - if we can help in any way; please let us



Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Editor's Takeoff: We Are Alone, Together
Developing a Strong Bond
Tech Spotlight: Meeting Military Standards
Paints and Coatings: State of the Industry Report: Aircraft Paints & Coatings
Special Feature: Does Your Coating Thickness Meet Spec?
MRO Feature: The Journey of Elliott Aviation
Product Focus: Ladders, Stands & Platforms - Build, Tear Down, Reuse
ARSA Insight: What Relief Looks Like
GAMA Insight: Strengthening the General Aviation Workforce
Professionalism: Compassionate Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shop Talk: Welcome to Papa's Playhouse
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 1
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 2
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 3
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Editor's Takeoff: We Are Alone, Together
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 5
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 6
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 7
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 8
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 9
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Developing a Strong Bond
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 11
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 12
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 13
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 14
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 15
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Tech Spotlight: Meeting Military Standards
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 17
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 18
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 19
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 20
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 21
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 22
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 23
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Paints and Coatings: State of the Industry Report: Aircraft Paints & Coatings
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 25
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 26
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 27
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 28
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 29
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Special Feature: Does Your Coating Thickness Meet Spec?
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 31
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 32
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 33
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - MRO Feature: The Journey of Elliott Aviation
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 35
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 36
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 37
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Product Focus: Ladders, Stands & Platforms - Build, Tear Down, Reuse
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 39
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 40
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 41
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 42
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 43
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - ARSA Insight: What Relief Looks Like
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 45
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - GAMA Insight: Strengthening the General Aviation Workforce
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 47
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Professionalism: Compassionate Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 49
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Shop Talk: Welcome to Papa's Playhouse
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 51
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - 52