JANUAR Y/ F E BRUAR Y 2 0 2 3 16 C OLUMNS 4 EDITOR'S TAKEOFF 8 S P E C I A L FOCUS Business Aviation Maintenance Outlook Report Thought leaders from around the business aviation industry forecast what struggles and successes the industry can expect out of the year ahead. ON THE COVER: ACI Jet technicians undertake repairs. F E ATUR E S AIRFRAMES & COMPOSITES 16 Composite's Continual Growth By Walker Jaroch INSPECTION & TESTING 20 Borescopes, an Inside View By Walker Jaroch OIL & LUBRICANTS 24 Engine Oil Impacts By Mario Pierobon DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE DISCUSSION 26 NFPA 409 and Fire Suppression in 2023 By Walker Jaroch Follow us FACEBOOK facebook.com/AMTmagazine TWITTER @AMTmag LINKEDIN linkedin.com/groups/1760887 www.AviationPros.com 3 INDUSTRY PROFILE 30 Technicians Demonstrate Knowledge, Skill and Integrity at the Aviation Maintenance Competition Presented by Snap-on By Steve Staedler PRODUCT FOCUS: MAN LIFTS, PLATFORMS & WORK STANDS 36 One WAAG Windshield Repair Stand Can Serve Multiple Narrow- or Wide-body Aircraft By Rebecca Kanable New Year, New Offerings By Walker Jaroch 34 FOR THE RECORD Electronic Recordkeeping - It's a Safety Issue By Larry Hinebaugh 35 ARSA INSIGHT First of Its Kind By Brett Levanto DEPA R TMEN T S 6 Industry Inspection 38 Products 42 Advertiser's Index 30http://www.AviationPros.com http://www.twitter.com/AMTmag http://www.facebook.com/AMTmagazine http://www.linkedin.com/groups/1760887