HUMAN FAC TORS 176209887 © PUTTACHAT KUMKRONG | DREAMSTIME.COM The inquiry, conducted by Portuguese investigation authority GPIAAF, determined the improper aileron cable installation to be the probable cause of the incident, identifying lack of an effective safety management system and inadequate independent procedures to detect maintenance escapes. In " plain language, " the untrained AMTs did not understand/follow procedures in a culture that permitted such activity. This improper maintenance activity was exacerbated by the flight crew that did not check operation of flight controls prior to takeoff. There was plenty of human error to go around but in this case, the aeronautical skill of the flight crew prevented a fatal loss. 46 JULY/AUGUST 2022 THE EXAMPLES CONTINUE A quick web search on terms like " flight control accidents " offers an extensive array of bad endings from flight and engine control maintenance. I especially recommend a link to Aerossurance (2019). That discussion offers additional examples with a focus on human factors. REVIEWING WHAT'S IMPORTANT We can look at the five accidents above and a hundred more, just like them, to say that the familiar human-centered facts hold true. Maintenance workers must come to work physically and mentally AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGYhttp://www.DREAMSTIME.COM