TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 COVER STORY Newark Liberty International Airport's Very Jersey Terminal A From Jersey-inspired boardwalk seating to themed bathrooms, EWR's new terminal is one to behold. FEATURES 16 Practical ICS Integration for Airport Operators What should be prioritized for successful integration? 18 DFW Uses Passenger360 for Multilingual Wayfinding Content management system displays English and other languages based on flight schedule. Security Focus 20 How to Address Competing Audio Needs at Airports 22 Address Today's Traveler Needs: A Holistic Approach to Credential Security 24 Is Profiling Still a Four-Letter Word? 26 MCO Goes Secure with dormakaba Exit Lane Breach Control Technology 27 Prepare Your Airport for AAM Next-generation aviation needs demand airport planning contingencies today. 30 Taking a Look at O'Hare 21 What to expect from the improvement project and where it currently stands. 36 TPA Goes Electric with BYD Tampa International Airport [TPA] is furthering their commitment to sustainability with the integration of four BYD K9M 40-foot electric buses to transport workers. DEPARTMENTS 5 Inside the Fence 6 Industry Update 38 Airport Guru 40 Legal Matters 30 SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK LINKEDIN TWITTER @ABToday MAY/JUNE 2023 \ AVIATIONPROS.COM / 3 20 16 http://www.AVIATIONPROS.COM