May/June 2023 - 37
-friendly and also the passenger [has]
easy access with the luggage. "
The K9M low-floor electric buses
are powered by electricity instead of
fossil fuels. The 16-ton buses are handicapped-accessible,
equipped with
USB chargers, luggage racks and can
seat up to 37 passengers.
As part of the project, the airport
installed Siemens SICHARGE charging
centers with three dispensers in
the employee parking lot, where the
buses are parked when not in service.
" There is currently capacity for
a fourth dispenser in the future, "
Gillin said.
Why Should Airports
Consider Electric Buses?
" More and more airports will start to
operate the electric buses. So, several
reasons, first of all from the investment
standout point, electric buses
even the capital investment is relatively
higher than the IC buses, which is
diesel and CNG, " Yan said. " But if we
consider the total ownership, the cost
within the next 12 years [for] electric
buses is much less than those IC buses.
So the fuel cost will be much lower
and also the maintenance cost will be
much lower because for the electric
buses there is less components inside
of the bus. "
Yan said that means less work.
" It's easy to be maintained because
there's a lot less of the components that
the maintenance department from the
airport need to spend [time] on, " Yan
said. " On the old, the traditional buses
like filter change, the oil and check the
transmission, all those components are
not in the electric buses. So, it will be
easier to be made to maintain those
electric buses. "
Yan said another bonus with electric
buses is that they are much quieter
than traditional buses.
" The IC bus and the noise from the
engine always bothered me. If I travel
with my colleague, I barely can hear
inside of the box. But for the electric
bus, it's extremely quiet, " Yan said.
BYD K9M 40-foot electric bus.
Seating inside BYD K9M electric bus.
Yan also said the charge time on
these model buses will depend on the
charger being used, but the average
time to charge the bus from zero to
100 percent is about three hours.
What Do Airports
Need to Know before
Going Electric?
" The infrastructure is the thing [to
consider] because right now most of
the electric buses are using the higher
charging power charger, " Yan said.
" So, whether the infrastructure, the
switch gear, the converter transformer
is ready to go for them to charge
the bus at the yard will be the topic
they need to discuss before the bus
deployment. So, I think that's the
homework the airport needs to do
before they receive the buses. There
is no significant difference operation
wise between the traditional bus and
the electric buses. I think they will
be very easy to adapt. It's better to
have the charter ready before the bus
is delivered. "
Yan said BYD will work with airports
to determine which model bus
best fits their needs and what type of
charging pads they will need to install.
" So, each project BYD will assist the
airport to evaluate which charter is best
for them because we need to check
with them. What's your operating
hours? From what time in the morning
and to what time in the evening? " Yan
said. " So, we will evaluate that and also
check the parking lot where they're
going to park the bus so we can discuss
with them whether you need the one
charter with two charging ports or you
need the one charger for each charter
and how much power it will be. "
May/June 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of May/June 2023
Inside the Fence
Industry Update
Newark Liberty International Airport’s Very Jersey Terminal A
Practical ICS Integration for Airport Operators
DFW Uses Passenger360 for Multilingual Wayfinding
How to Address Competing Audio Needs at Airports
Address Today’s Traveler Needs: A Holistic Approach to Credential Security
Is Profiling Still a Four-Letter Word
MCO Goes Secure with dormakaba Exit Lane Breach Control Technology
Prepare Your Airport for AAM
Taking a Look at O’Hare 21
TPA Goes Electric with BYD
Airport Guru
Legal Matters
May/June 2023 - 1
May/June 2023 - 2
May/June 2023 - 3
May/June 2023 - 4
May/June 2023 - Inside the Fence
May/June 2023 - Industry Update
May/June 2023 - 7
May/June 2023 - 8
May/June 2023 - 9
May/June 2023 - Newark Liberty International Airport’s Very Jersey Terminal A
May/June 2023 - 11
May/June 2023 - 12
May/June 2023 - 13
May/June 2023 - 14
May/June 2023 - 15
May/June 2023 - Practical ICS Integration for Airport Operators
May/June 2023 - 17
May/June 2023 - DFW Uses Passenger360 for Multilingual Wayfinding
May/June 2023 - 19
May/June 2023 - How to Address Competing Audio Needs at Airports
May/June 2023 - 21
May/June 2023 - Address Today’s Traveler Needs: A Holistic Approach to Credential Security
May/June 2023 - 23
May/June 2023 - Is Profiling Still a Four-Letter Word
May/June 2023 - 25
May/June 2023 - MCO Goes Secure with dormakaba Exit Lane Breach Control Technology
May/June 2023 - Prepare Your Airport for AAM
May/June 2023 - 28
May/June 2023 - 29
May/June 2023 - Taking a Look at O’Hare 21
May/June 2023 - 31
May/June 2023 - 32
May/June 2023 - 33
May/June 2023 - 34
May/June 2023 - 35
May/June 2023 - TPA Goes Electric with BYD
May/June 2023 - 37
May/June 2023 - Airport Guru
May/June 2023 - 39
May/June 2023 - Legal Matters
May/June 2023 - 41
May/June 2023 - 42
May/June 2023 - 43
May/June 2023 - 44