TABLE OF CONTENTS 16 COVER STORY Airport Business Security Report Highlights of some of the biggest security challenges North American airports are currently dealing with and how they're solving problems. FEATURES 08 Things to Consider When Building a Parking Garage Norfolk International Airport and Asheville Regional Airport provide examples of what to consider when building a new parking garage at your airport. 12 How Video Surveillance Technologies Are Changing the Way Airports Operate Using camera technology for more than security provides a wider view of airport operations. 36 Airports' Ongoing Push to Sustainability Luminaires installed in San Francisco's newest parking garage contribute to NetZero goal. 38 Terminal Safety Includes Healthy Air and UV-C Light LAX and DFW airports leverage UV-C disinfection to safeguard travelers. DEPARTMENTS 5 Inside the Fence 6 Industry Update 34 Legal Matters 40 Product Focus Cover image: 18percentgrey | 1048105658, phaisarn | 2517824734006 | Getty Images 38 SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK LINKEDIN TWITTER @ABToday SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 \ AVIATIONPROS.COM / 3 8 12 UV RESOURCES http://www.AVIATIONPROS.COM