Evaluation Engineering - 15
For its part, Rohde & Schwarz has
recently introduced the R&S RTP 16GHz real-time oscilloscope, which the
company will highlight at DesignCon,
according to Randy White, strategic oscilloscope planner at Rohde & Schwarz.
He also cited other recently launched
products for high-speed digital test,
including the R&S RTP-B7 differential
pulse source (for TDR) as well as the
R&S RTP-K121 real-time de-embedding
option and R&S RTP-K130 TDR/TDT
analysis option.
Keysight Technologies recently introduced a DDR5 solution that integrates
software and hardware across the entire
customer workflow from design through
validation, according to Brig Asay, director, strategic planning, high-speed
digital solutions, at Keysight. "We also
introduced our new USB 4.0 Tx solution," he added. "Keysight also has a new
probing system to make probing a DDR5
signal possible." At DesignCon, "We will
highlight several products designed to
test next-generation high-speed digital
devices" Asay said. "This includes a full
suite of testing solutions for DDR5, PCIe
Gen5 Tx/Rx testing, USB 4.0 Tx, integrated forward error correction (FEC)
debug and analysis, a fast error detector,
and a phase-noise analysis tool."
According to Trevor Smith, T&M
business development manager at Pico
Technology Ltd., "Our most recent product introduction for engineers doing highspeed digital communications design is
the PicoScope 9404-16, which is a 4-channel, 16-GHz Sampler Extended Real-Time
("SXRTO") PC-based oscilloscope." That
product will be featured at DesignCon "...
along with other high-performance test
and verification tools such as the AS108
8-GHz agile synthesizer/generator and
the popular PicoVNA 106 vector network analyzer that is being widely used
for characterization of high-speed serialdata channels," Smith said.
Matt Burns, product marketing manager, high-speed, at Samtec, commented
that at DesignCon 2019, eSilicon, Wild
River Technology (WRT), and Samtec
launched a new in-circuit testing and
evaluation platform targeting 56-Gb/s
PAM4 data rates. The new solution included Samtec's 50-GHz Bulls Eye high-performance test system, eSilicon's 56-Gb/s
PAM4 SerDes, and WRT's test fixture.
"One design goal was to future-proof
the kit for 112-Gb/s PAM4 data rates,"
Burns said. He added that at the Samtec
booth at DesignCon 2020, eSilicon, WRT,
and Samtec will demonstrate the 112-Gb/
s PAM4 version of the kit with Samtec's
70-GHz Bulls Eye high-performance test
system, eSilicon's 112-Gb/s PAM4 SerDes,
and WRT's test fixture. In addition, he explained that WRT and Samtec will provide
correlated simulation and test data at the
112-Gb/s PAM4/70-GHz ranges to drive
confidence in the performance of the kit.
Teledyne LeCroy has introduced several products recently with applicability
to high-speed digital test, according to
Hilary Lustig, marketing communications
manager. Those include the SierraNet
M648 protocol analysis and traffic impairment system, which offers protocol analysis and jamming for PAM4 50G Ethernet
and 64G Fibre Channel interconnections.
In addition, the company has announced support for the Gen-Z protocol
on the Summit M5x protocol analyzer
and jammer system and the availability
of USB 3.2 analysis in the Voyager M4x
analyzer. Lustig said the Voyager M4x
started shipping in early 2019 as the industry's first test solution supporting USB
4 and Thunderbolt 3 protocol analysis. It
now supports USB 3.2 to allow testing of
systems that utilize dual 10-Gb/s links or
20-Gb/s aggregate bandwidth over USB
Type-C cables.
Teledyne LeCroy has also recently announced Summit PCIe protocol analyzers
for the next-generation PCIe 5.0 specification and the WavePulser 40iX high-speed
interconnect analyzer for interconnect
testing and validation. Lustig said that at
DesignCon 2020, the company will present live demonstrations and best measurement practices for PCI Express, USB,
DisplayPort, power integrity, and more.
EE-Evaluation Engineering asked several
industry experts to weigh in on various
aspects of high-speed digital test. Read
on to see what they had to say.
Unique features
What is unique about your solutions?
Rohde & Schwarz R&S RTP
16-GHz real-time oscilloscope
used in a TDR and TDT
analysis application.
White, Rohde & Schwarz: The R&S RTP
high-performance oscilloscope combines
superior front-end signal integrity with
fast acquisition and analysis. This
fast performance comes from
hardware-accelerated signal processing that enables a combined
digital trigger, 16-Gb/s clock-data
Evaluation Engineering
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evaluation Engineering
Editorial: Machine learning boosts electrolyte search
By the Numbers
Industry Report
Vector Network Analyzers: From on-wafer test to breast-cancer detection
High-Speed Digital: Mentor targets hierarchical DFT and automotive safety
Compliance: Conformance and cooperation move 5G forward
Design Automation: EMA Design Automation's Marcano looks to the future of PCB EDA
Tech Focus
Featured Tech
Robotics: Robotics forge their way into the 21st century
Evaluation Engineering - Cover1
Evaluation Engineering - Cover2
Evaluation Engineering - 1
Evaluation Engineering - By the Numbers
Evaluation Engineering - 3
Evaluation Engineering - Industry Report
Evaluation Engineering - 5
Evaluation Engineering - Vector Network Analyzers: From on-wafer test to breast-cancer detection
Evaluation Engineering - 7
Evaluation Engineering - 8
Evaluation Engineering - 9
Evaluation Engineering - 10
Evaluation Engineering - 11
Evaluation Engineering - 12
Evaluation Engineering - 13
Evaluation Engineering - 14
Evaluation Engineering - 15
Evaluation Engineering - 16
Evaluation Engineering - 17
Evaluation Engineering - 18
Evaluation Engineering - High-Speed Digital: Mentor targets hierarchical DFT and automotive safety
Evaluation Engineering - 20
Evaluation Engineering - Compliance: Conformance and cooperation move 5G forward
Evaluation Engineering - 22
Evaluation Engineering - 23
Evaluation Engineering - Design Automation: EMA Design Automation's Marcano looks to the future of PCB EDA
Evaluation Engineering - 25
Evaluation Engineering - Tech Focus
Evaluation Engineering - 27
Evaluation Engineering - Featured Tech
Evaluation Engineering - 29
Evaluation Engineering - 30
Evaluation Engineering - 31
Evaluation Engineering - Robotics: Robotics forge their way into the 21st century
Evaluation Engineering - Cover3
Evaluation Engineering - Cover4