SA F E A E R O 2 20 G I V E YO U R D E I C I N G O P E R AT I O N S A N I N T E L L I G E N T U P G R A D E Take a new approach to deicing and get every job done faster with the Safeaero 220. True single-person operation minimizes deicing times by allowing one person to control everything from the fully-functional cabin. The automotivestyle steering, chassis designed for tight turns and a high ground speed allow for quick maneuvering around planes or the runway while the state-of-the-art spraying and blending system reduces fluid consumption up to 50%. Learn mo re a b o ut t he Safe a ero 2 20 at Textro nGS m/vehicl e s/2 2 0 CAAC © 2019 Textron Ground Support Equipment Inc. All Rights Reserved.