What factors put the biggest strain on your company's budget? Training Acquiring and/or maintaining equipment 54 Finding and retaining staff 39 Much like other industries, aviation has grappled with supply chain shortages and staffing challenges. Based on the survey's results, these issues remain prevalent. Equipment acquisition and maintenance was the most selected response in this survey and staff acquisition and retention had the and staying current on new technologies 32 Complying with industry regulations 20 Building and maintaining vendor relationships 15 second highest number of responses - those surveyed were instructed to select all that apply. As these issues continue, the costs associated with them also rank high among respondents. As new equipment is acquired and new personnel is onboarded, training takes on a Submitting competitive bids and securing new business 14 Other 5 larger emphasis and checks in as the third-biggest strain on companies' budgets. Other current challenges called out by survey respondents include managing fuel inventory, government regulations and financial assistance. February 2022 || AviationPros.com || 17http://www.AviationPros.com