Does your company have a safety management system (SMS) in place? HEALTH REGULATION Yes 82.41% PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT HAZARD ANALYSIS & CONTROL COMPLIANCE No 17.59% TRAINING & EDUCATION How many workplace accidents have occurred at your company in the past year? 0-10 86.11% On the topic of mitigating risk, more than 85 percent of respondents indicate they have a safety management system (SMS) in place and the number of workplace accidents appear to be 11-25 3.70% 26-50 3.70% benefiting from safety measures being adopted and implemented. An SMS is the foundation of the International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH) More than 50 6.48% registration. Among applicable respondents, more than half of those surveyed have become IS-BAH certified or are taking steps to become IS-BAH registered. February 2022 || || 19