The maestro tm BY Power probe The next ge enration in diagnostics The MAESTROTM is digital circuit tester with multimeter functionality. The tool is capable of supplying Battery Ground and Power along with Diagnostic testingmodes to provide automotive technicians with detailed information on the circuits and signals being tested. The MAESTROTM includes 3 Voltmeter modes: AC/DC Voltage, AC Volts RMS, and Volts Peak-to-Peak; and is also capable of measuring Resistance, Frequency, Pulse Width (Negative & Positive), and Fuel Injectors in oscilloscope-like wave forms. Also available for download is the Power Probe Tek Pro Series App (available on iOS and Google Play stores), which allows for wireless remote display monitoring as well as data streaming and recording. Circle 33 on card, or click " PTEN e-inquiry " on POWERPROBETEK.COMhttp://www.POWERPROBETEK.COM