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Shade Matching Single Units
Lessons in lighting and color to get shades on anterior units. > Message Boards > Cosmetic Dentistry > Cosmetic Dentistry > Shade Matching Single Units
Member Since: 03/25/04
Post: 1 of 68
Often I struggle with matching single units with the surrounding teeth. Does anyone have
any tips or protocol for matching single units? The closest lab is one-and-a-half hours away, so
custom shading is not really a practical option. I would like to minimize my try-ins. ■
JAN 7 2010
Member Since: 05/16/05
Post: 2 of 68
Vita 3D Master shade guide and a good camera should help with most cases. You can toss
the Vita Classic shade guide in the drawer of unused dental equipment and supplies. ■
JAN 7 2010
Member Since: 12/05/07
Post: 8 of 68
What about learning how to do the custom staining yourself? It's really simple to learn
how to do it and doesn't take much time in office, and the cost of a mini-oven or regular oven
is peanuts when you start to consider making a bunch of restorations on the same tooth for
the same patient. Just learn how to do it, then you can teach your assistant or hygienist. You'll
never have to send it back to the lab again and you'll always be able to add a contact if needed
as well. ■
JAN 8 2010
Member Since: 01/03/07
Post: 12 of 68
Although it's a fair investment ($5,000), if you and your lab both invest in a ShadeRite by
X-rite, it would really help. The reason I like this over the Vita Easyshade is that the Vita only
records a tooth as A3 for example. Rarely if ever is a tooth a solid A3. Ninety-nine percent of
the time the tooth has many variations throughout. Only by being able to evaluate the hue value
and chroma can the ceramist build a restoration that matches. With the ShadeRite you "shoot"
the tooth and then the lab has to "shoot" it on their ShadeRite. They can then do a virtual try
in. Once you master how to use the Shaderite then 80-90 percent of the time single anteriors
are virtually undetectable upon try in. Having it in the glazing oven in your office is a real time
saver versus having a second visit. ■
JAN 9 2010
Member Since: 01/17/02
Post: 14 of 68
There is no sure-fire system that gets it perfect every time when it comes to single teeth. I
personally use ClearMatch and it has become a very useful tool for me. Runs around $1,000 for
the program and all you use is the camera. Search "ClearMatch" on Dentaltown or it's on the
net at Clarity Dental. Below are a few cases I had posted.
[Editor's note: Visit to view these links.] ■
JAN 9 2010
Member Since: 12/05/07
Post: 15 of 68
My way keeps looking better: learn how to stain yourself.
And now you never have to worry about the shade again. ■
JAN 9 2010
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