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I Love White Fillings Without Tints-
Am I a Quack?
Composite work from Sweden by Dr. Ornell > Message Boards > Restorative Dentistry > Restorative Dentistry > I love White Fillings Without Tints - Am I a Quack?
Ullberg Ornell, Sweden
Member Since: 04/05/10
Posts: 1, 4 & 5 of 88
Introduction: Did this today. I just love big white fillings with a single shade. This one is
surpass and Filtek Supreme A2B . W ho would I do the tints and discolorations and depth for?
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Conclusion: Is there anyone other than me who think that tints are only for dentists
with a macro-lens?
I forgot to mention that I'm talking about posterior teeth. The thing is I love looking at
the beauties in the J ason Smithson discipline thread. It is a good indicator of quality work
although post-op bitewings are never shown, or long term follow ups. As a patient I would
definitely be impressed by the macro-photos. I am also a technical perfectionist. This is at
least what I try to show (off) with the cases I publish on Dentaltown. H owever I did an
experiment right now when I brushed my teeth. I tried to look at the occlusal surface on my
upper molars in the bathroom mirror. Is this something anyone else has tried? ■
FEB 26 2014
John Kanca
Member Since: 06/21/03
Posts: 6, 7 & 10 of 88
Go ahead and ask patients if they want to
see caries in their new restorations. See what
they say.
This is what people want. People don't want
to look natural. They want to look good. ■
FEB 26 2014
Member Since: 07/25/10
Post: 15 of 88
This is pretty amazing, something I wish I was capable
of. Do you put the grooves and fissures in with composite
instruments before curing, or with burs after curing? ■
FEB 26 2014
continued on page 42
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Dentaltown December 2014