TMD Parafunctional Appliances: In-Office Fabricated Parafunctional Appliances Parafunctional Appliances: Laboratory Fabricated Parafunctional Appliances Boyd Research: NTI Tension Suppression System NDX Keller: NTI-tss Plus The NTI Tension Suppression System is a prefabricated matrix with approved indications from the FDA for prevention of TMD symptoms and medically diagnosed migraine pain. The NTI requires no models, impressions or outside lab fees. More information can be found at The NTI-tss Plus enables dentists to offer conservative drug-free therapy for tension-type headaches and migraine pain. Custom made for each patient, the NTI-tss Plus reduces clenching intensity which reduces migraine frequency in more than 80 percent of sufferers. For more information, visit (Votes: 109 of 486) (Votes: 60 of 486) FREE FACTS, circle 198 on card FREE FACTS, circle 199 on card \\ DECEMBER 2017 115