What has Dentaltown done for you? It has been amazing. A big thank-you to Howard Farran, from all the solo dentists practicing in rural places! If I have a question on a procedure or on a technique, I can usually go to Dentaltown and within minutes I'll have an answer. I am no longer practicing "by myself "-I have a lot of talent and skill at the touch of my computer. When I am having a bad day, I can usually go to the "GTFOOMO" message board and get a good laugh, because we all go through the same things and can relate with one another. I am a Type-A personality and there are a couple of gestures that pop into my mind a lot. The first one is, "Don't care about someone's teeth more than they care about their own." The second is my favorite, and puts a smile on my face: "If the tooth that God gave you didn't last, why do you think the one I gave you will?" Got to love Dentaltown! ■ FREE FACTS, circle 15 on card dentaltown.com \\ DECEMBER 2017 61http://class2success.com http://www.dentaltown.com