on dentaltown.com What you can find on ... .com You read the magazine, but did you know we also have an active online community? The magazine is just part of what we do at Dentaltown. Visit dentaltown.com for an ongoing conversation about everything from tough cases to staff issues to what team is going to win the World Series this year. Join the discussion! Message Boards Facebook Users An Oregon doc is beginning to use Facebook to bring in new patients. Townies share what works and what doesn't when it comes to leveraging social media. Facebook Users Plea for Restorative Help Download the App You can keep tabs on the most active message boards without ever sitting down at your computer. The Dentaltown app is free to download and is available for both Apple and Android devices. An older case gets a fresh look. Check out this complex restorative case involving a 30-year-old patient with possible bulimia-related complications. Restorative Help Case Presentation 2 Implants-Converting Implant RPD to Implant Full Denture RPD to Implant Unsatisfied with her current retention, this patient wanted to add more implants and convert to a full denture. See how Townie "mhd2013" made it happen with a keen understanding of biomechanics and planning. Online CE Connect with Us Receive Dentaltown e-Newsletters dentaltown.com/myprofile.aspx 10 NOVEMBER 2017 // dentaltown.com Practice Leadership 101 by Travis Frederickson This course is intended to introduce what practice leadership is about. While management and leadership are necessary to effectively operate a practice, the scales have historically been tipped to management and remain that way today. The benefits of leadership within a dental practice are extensive, but largely underutilized. "Practice Leadership 101" introduces viewers to the principles of leadership. Many of the principles taught can be used immediately.http://www.dentaltown.com http://www.dentaltown.com http://www.dentaltown.com/myprofi http://www.dentaltown.com