Hi, Dr. Ed. Thank you for your comments. Would you be willing to share with me what types of failures you have encountered with composite? I may be able to offer some suggestions. The most common challenges I am aware of with composite are chipping and staining, so I have designed a protocol that I have seen over the years manages and minimizes those risks. The materials and my techniques are a lot better than they were 12 years ago when I graduated, but my oldest case is 12 years old, on my mother-in-law, so I have had opportunity to carefully follow up on her case regularly. marshall hanson Member Since: 05/24/12 Post: 27, 28 and 31 of 87 FREE FACTS, circle 20 on card dentaltown.com \\ MARCH 2020 DT0320_MB1_Veneers_AG.indd 37 37 2/18/20 2:20 PMhttp://www.surgitel.com/reps http://www.dentaltown.com