message board Long Span Bridge Member Since: 03/10/03 Posts: 39 and 40 of 81 FYI-this is a quote directly from the internet. "Acute suppurative pulpitis is a consequence of time-untreated diffuse pulpitis. Inflammation increases and is accompanied by severe spontaneous pain that is virtually unabated. Heat can intensify pain and cold, on the contrary, to reassure. Sometimes purulent pulpitis accompanied by fever." In my experience, these teeth have not been dry when I open them up; on the contrary, there has been a small bleb of pus at the very tip of the pulp horn and the rest of the pulp is extremely hyperemic and bleeds profusely. Maybe this is why we are differing on terminology, because we are talking about two entirely different things. ■ 8/20/2019 almunk Member Since: 12/17/05 Post: 45 of 81 For those interested in a full academic discussion of A and C nerve fibers: [Editor's note: To view this PDF, visit the message board online.] ■ 8/20/2019 Long Span Bridge Member Since: 03/10/03 Post: 49 of 81 I finally did some more research and found this. It confirms there is hemorrhagic tissue, not bone dry. ■ 8/20/2019 52 MARCH 2020 // DT0320_MB4_Diagnosis_AG.indd 52 2/18/20 2:23 PM