POLL Dentaltown's monthly poll helps you see how other practices operate- what's working, what isn't-and how dentistry is evolving. This poll was conducted from Oct. 27 to Nov. 29 on Dentaltown.com. Are you scanning your single implants for restorations? 53% Yes N 10%ot applicable to my practice 37%No Implants Do you place implants in your practice? 39% Yes 61% No What is your primary choice for implant restorations? What approx. percentage of your bicuspid and molar crowns are screw retained? 6% 8 6%0 percent M75%ore than 80 percent 515%0 percent 2 4%0 percent DECEMBER 2024 | 14 | DENTALTOWN.COM Chairside crown with a Ti base 14% Stock abutments 71% Custom abutments 9% N/a Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera over the QR code at left to go straight to this month's poll questions about sleep dentistry. The final tallies will appear in the January issue of Dentaltown magazine. Do you routinely (at least once a month) remove wisdom teeth? 35% Yes I refer this treatment out 22% 43% Nohttp://www.Dentaltown.com http://www.DENTALTOWN.COM