poll PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Dentaltown's monthly poll helps you see how other practices operate- what's working, what isn't-and how dentistry is evolving. The information we gather helps us measure the trends of the profession. This poll was conducted Dec. 19-Jan. 15 on dentaltown.com. Do you allow parents into the operatory? 7 3 % 2 7 % Yes No Over the last few years, the number of pediatric patients I have seen has... 30% Increased 19% 30% Decreased Weekly How often do you use nitrous oxide with pediatric patients? 51% 30% Stayed about the same 14% 20% Frequently Half the time Monthly True or false: I use rubber dams with pediatric patients more than adult patients. Do you refer most of your pediatric patients? 11% False 34 MAY 2017 // dentaltownuk.com 46 FEBRUARY 2017 // dentaltown.com Never Did you take any pediatric dentistry CE in 2016? 12% True 89% 36% Rarely 27% Yes 88% No Yes 73% Nohttp://www.dentaltown.com http://www.dentaltownuk.com http://www.dentaltown.com