GNYDM2023 - 28

Saturday Seminar
Did You Know That 50% Of Patients in Your Practice and Your Team Members Have an Airway/Sleep Problem?
Attend The AIRWAY SUMMIT - Learn to Recognize the Signs and How to Treat Airway Issues.
Course: 2040
Tuition: $460.00
Recommended for: D, S
9:00 - 12:00 & 1:30 - 4:00
6 CEUs
The Foundation for Airway Health brings together leading dental educators, scientific academy representatives, allied health organizations, and members
of the public to offer information you and your dental team must know about unrecognized sleep/airway issues and what you can do to impact positive
health change for patients. This year, the Foundation will offer a more interactive program to allow you to recognize hidden issues and develop treatment
paths for care. Think you have an airway problem? Register early - yours can be one of the case presentations.
Poor sleep, chronic disease and inflammation, learning difficulties, performance issues, and behavior problems express unrecognized, " hidden " airway
problems. Currently, only 15% of airway problems are recognized. Dentists can and must play a front-line role in diagnosing and treating airway dysfunction.
Attendees at the Airway Summit will learn about the emerging importance of airway health and sleep in dental practice, how to improve treatment
outcomes, join the fight against chronic disease, and expand the professional practice in these areas.
Learn to:
* screen patients for airway and sleep issues and follow ADA recommendations
* understand the connection between airway and sleep issues and chronic medical and dental health disorders
* be aware of how airway sleep issues affect growth, development, and learning
* include airway and sleep screening for better outcomes in restorative dentistry
* recognize the signs and symptoms of airway sleep issues in your patients when you return to your practice
The Foundation for Airway Health is a 501(c)(3). Founded in 2012, the Foundation for Airway Health is a nonprofit organization dedicated
to raising awareness with the general public and the healthcare industry. Through its initiatives, the Foundation seeks to highlight the
role of the airway in overall health and well-being for all and educate clinicians to recognize the role and importance of optimal airway
physiology and sleep in health, development, performance, and function.
The Foundation for Airway Health is dedicated to helping the public realize their
maximum potential by championing the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway
related disorders through collaboration, awareness, research, education and access to care.
Moderator: Howard G. Hindin, D.D.S.
Video and Photography Disclaimer
Please be advised that the Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) will videotape and photograph attendees during the entire 2023
event. By attending the Meeting you consent to the GNYDM's use and/or reproduction of, and the development of derivative works from,
your name, voice, and/or likeness in any and all formats, presently conceivable or not presently conceivable, singularly or in conjunction
with other media, or as part of a compilation advertisement, including but not limited to audio, video, paper, digital, and/or electronic
media, in any manner, anticipated or unanticipated, for advertising, commercial, publicity, or any other business purposes of the GNYDM.
The GNYDM will not be liable for any claims against you arising out of or otherwise associated with said use, reproduction, or derivation of
your name, voice and/or likeness. Moreover, you understand and agree that you will not be entitled to any financial or other remuneration
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GNYDM2023

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