XXXX CSCCA STRENGTH FOCUS DOWN In-season training schedules at Lenior-Rhyne University By Trent Caldwell, Lenoir-Rhyne University director of strength & conditioning L enoir-Rhyne University is a small college located in Hickory, North Carolina. Since 2011, our football program has won seven conference championships, appeared in seven NCAA DII playoffs with one national championship appearance, and produced two NFL draft picks. This article will reflect on some of the systems through which strength and conditioning have most recently contributed to this team's success. KNOW YOUR TIMELINE AND BUILD A PLAN: * 14 Weeks Total * 2 Weeks of Camp * 1 week between Camp and Game Week 1 (this usually is the first week of school) * 11 Week Season, 2 nonconference games weeks 1 and 2, 9 conference games weeks 3-11 * No bye week (trade-off for shorter training camp) August 12-18 August 19-25 August 26 - September 1 September 2-8 September 9-15 September 16-22 September 23-29 Camp Week 1 Camp Week 2 Transition Camp Week 3 (Classes begin) Game Week 1 Game Week 2 Game Week 3 Game Week 4 14 COACH & A.D. | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 BEAR