" You have to be consistent in the words you say. You got to mean what you say and do what you say. And then you got to gauge where they are and then have that energy where they're expecting it every day and they're plugging into it every day. " consistent is more important to them than anything else. And then making sure they understand that you care. And it's more than care for me because I tell them all the time I love them and always give them a statement. I say, 'I love you and you can't do anything about it. And they love that statement. You have to be consistent in the words you say. You got to mean what you say and do what you say. And then you got to gauge where they are and then have that energy where they're expecting it every day and they're plugging into it every day. And I think for young coaches, you got to have your own niche. COACH & A.D.: What would you say to young coaches who are looking to advance their careers? Mathis: Don't give up. Don't lose faith. From 2012 to 2024, I've inquired about maybe 200 jobs from every level and may have received less than a dozen replies, maybe three or four interviews in that time. And they all happened within the last 18 months. And my wife would tell me all the time that it's just not your time. Friends would say don't give up. It's going to happen. [Morehouse College] was the last job in the 2024 cycle that was open and I got the job. That's why I come every day, happy, and excited, and giving God all the glory for giving me this opportunity. I suspect he built me for this. He prepared me for this. COACHAD.COM 23http://www.digiwristtech.com/ http://www.COACHAD.COM