CONTENTS SUSTAINABILITY ISSUE | JULY 2023 06 Dogs detect spotted lanternfly 16 Sensors tell when plants are thirsty FEATURES 06 Pest Control 10 Ag Tech The nose knows Dogs uncover spotted lanternflies, other pests Drone deployment Technology helps growers in orchard, vineyard operations 14 Cover Story Keeping it fresh Postharvest fruit research at UGA focuses on reducing waste 16 Irrigation & Water Management Stressed out Sensor tech advances help trees tell growers when they are thirsty 18 Berries Pinpoint precision Vision-guided herbicide sprayer senses pesky weeds 10 Look, up in the sky: drones! 22 Plant & Soil Health What's good for the gooseberry ... Organic growers have options for Anthracnose leaf spot 24 CA Storage Keeping control VanDeWalle Fruit adds high-tech storage capabilities 26 Farm Market & Agritourism Agreements between growers provide opportunities DEPARTMENTS 04 Editor's Letter 28 CMI 30 Ag Labor Review 32-33 Classifieds 34 Advertiser Index On the Cover To extend shelf life, peaches at the University of Georgia (UGA) are hydrocooled to eliminate heat just after harvest. The cold water contains dissolved ozone, to kill pathogens including fungi, which prematurely break down the fruit. Photo courtesy UGA Extension. PAGE 14 FRUITGROWERSNEWS.COM | 3http://www.FRUITGROWERSNEWS.COM