CLASSIFIEDS AUCTIONS HELP WANTED When you are ready to get SERIOUS about getting SERIOUS workers 210-695-1648 WWW.FRUITGROWERSNEWS. COM/PLACE-A-CLASSIFIED-AD or contact kim meyers at 616-520-2137 FOR SALE TEW MANUFACTURING CORP. FRUIT & VEG. CLEANING & SIZING EQUIPMENT NEW STAINLESS WASHERS & ABSORBERS QUALITY LATEX & POLY SPONGE DRYING DONUTS TUFF FOAMĀ® PROTECTIVE PADDING - SCRUBBER RUBBER SIZING CHAINS & CONVEYOR BELTS CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION: 800-380-5839 TEW MFG. CORP. PO BOX 87 PENFIELD, NY 14526 585-586-6120 FAX: 585-586-6083 Fruit Sprayer 200 gallon glass line Kinkelder Royal R20-07, $2,500. Two trailers, 16' long by 4' wide, $800 a piece. Plastic tubs 4 x 4, fifty available, $200 a piece. 518-567-9808 or 518-537-4263. WWW.FRUIT GROWERS NEWS. COM/PLACE-ACLASSIFIED-AD OR AUTOSTEER SYSTEM FOR WORK PLATFORMS * No GPS required * Can be installed on most work platforms, even if your platform is home brewed * Speed is displayed in feet per minute to set a work pace * Workers can focus on the task, machine will steer itself Visit our YouTube page for examples of our work CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION (616) 515-6027 32 | MARCH 2024 CONTACT KIM MEYERS AT: KMEYERS@GREAT AMERICAN PUBLISH.COM 616-520-2137 APRIL DEADLINE: 03/13/24