FARM MARKET REPORT APPLES (per pound)1 Pre-picked $0.89 to $4.50 U-pick $1.10-$4.50 BLACKBERRIES (per pound/pint) Pre-picked U-pick $5.00-$7.00 pint $2.00-$7.00 pound CHERRIES (per pound)3 Pre-picked $3.50-$9.00 U-pick $3.00-$7.99 PEACHES (per pound) Pre-picked $1.99-$10.00 U-pick $2.00-$7.00 POTATOES (per pound) Pre-picked $0.60-$3.50 RED RASPBERRIES (per pint) Pre-picked U-pick $4.00-$7.00 $3.50-$6.00 SWEET CORN (per dozen)6 Pre-picked $6.00-$9.99 ASPARAGUS (per pound)2 Pre-picked $2.00-$6.00 BLUEBERRIES (per pint) Pre-picked $2.00-$8.00 U-pick $5.00-$7.00 MELONS (per each)4 Pre-picked $2.00-$10.00 PEPPERS (per pound) Pre-picked $1.99-$6.75 U-pick $1.99-$6.75 PUMPKINS (per pound)5 Pre-picked $0.45-$0.75 STRAWBERRIES (per pound) Pre-picked U-pick $3.00-$5.00 $2.25-$4.99 TOMATOES (per pound)7 Pre-picked $1.00-$6.99 1 Other farm markets charge per bushel, per peck, quart and bag. The survey also indicated higher pricing is charged for premium apples. 2 Survey respondents also indicated pricing per bundle ($3-$6) was a popular pricing strategy. 3 The survey indicated lower cost per pint for sweet and higher cost for sour cherries. The next popular pricing for cherries was to charge per pint ($3-$9/pint). 4 5 The majority of survey responses fell within the $3-$6 range per melon, higher prices for premium varieties. A smaller percentage of participants noted melons were priced per pound. Many farm markets charge per pumpkin and by size ($1-$25). Smaller pumpkins, including minis, are reflected by the lower prices; premium and specialty varieties are priced higher. 6 Note the majority (69%) pricing is indicated, other respondents noted charging $2-$12+ per dozen. 7 Other popular pricing methods included per quart ($4-$8) and some noted pricing by the box (weight specific). FRUITGROWERSNEWS.COM | 15 U-pick $2.00-$4.75http://www.FRUITGROWERSNEWS.COM