Stop disease before it gets started! Beneficial microorganisms in Botector® out-compete fungal pathogens for space and nutrients, creating a protective barrier between the plant and potential disease. Botector® prevents botrytis in grapes, berries and tomatoes; anthracnose, phomopsis and rhizopus rots in berries; blossom blight and brown rot in stone fruit and almonds; and post-harvest rots in pome fruit. ADVANTAGES ■ Efficacy is comparable to conventional fungicides ■ No development of pathogen resistance Be ready to apply Botector® when crops are most susceptible to disease infection. Call today for information on product application timings and rates, and to learn how Botector® can help improve your crop quality and yield this season. ■ Ideal for use in IPM programs ■ No PHI or MRL restrictions REGISTERED INPUT A MATERIAL P (760) 599-8855 * E W A S L H I C N G R T G O A N F S O T O A M R T A N G E D I E T P R R C M N O E A G T I U T U R R