per acre. Do not exceed 3 pts. per acre per season. REI: 12hour. PHI: 30-day. HRAC 01. trifluralin products (trifluralin) PRE | 0.5-1 lb. a.i. per acre. Use 4EC formulations at 1-2 pts. per acre. Use 10G formulations at 5-10 lbs. per acre. Apply and incorporate 1-2 inches before, during, or immediately after planting. Use low rate on coarse soils with less than 2% organic matter. Not effective on muck or high organic matter soils. REI: 12-hour. HRAC 03. Zidua (85WDG) (pyroxasulfone) PRE | 3.25 fl. oz. per acre of SC formulation. 2.0 oz. per acre of WG formulation. Use only on muck soil with greater than 20% organic matter. Apply to transplanted celery 1-6 days after transplanting. REI: 12-hour. HRAC 15. 100 Midwest Veg Guide 2022