Herbicide Tables Small package hardware and garden center herbicides This table includes additional pesticides that you may find readily available at hardware stores and garden centers in smaller quantities. The products are listed alphabetically by Active Ingredient, with a selection of Trade Names. RTU = Ready-To-Use without dilution. RTS = Ready-To-Spray with hose-end container. † = indicates biorational formulations that may be listed by the Organic Materials Research Institute (OMRI) and may be allowed in organic production - check with your certifier ‡ = indicates additional formulations that do not currently occur elsewhere in this guide as crop protection recommendations because they are not as well understood to be effective options Active Ingredients 2,4-D amine ‡†ammoniated soap of fatty acids ‡†caprylic acid, capric acid ‡†corn gluten ‡†corn gluten ‡†corn gluten glyphosate glyphosate sethoxydim sethoxydim sethoxydim trifluralin trifluralin Trade Names 2,4-D amine Grass & Weed Killer Non-Selective Concentrate, RTU Botanical KleenUp, BurnOut FII Maize Weed Preventer Organic Weed Preventer Preen Natural Weed Preventer, Organic Weed Preventer KleenUp Super Concentrate, HE, RTU Weed Pro Grass Beater II Grass Killer Over-The-Top II Herbicide Granules Weed and Grass Preventer Preen Garden Weed Preventer Brands Hi-Yield Fertilome Bonide Bonide Espoma Preen Bonide Southern Ag Bonide Hi-Yield Fertilome Hi-Yield Preen 64 Midwest Veg Guide 2022https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_dagger_(typography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_dagger_(typography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_dagger_(typography