Celery - Insects concentrated near the stem. Slugs leave behind telltale slime trails (silvery trails) on the surfaces of fruit or leaves. Slugs and snails are active at night or cloudy days. Slugs and snails favor continuously moist soil and organic mulch. They lay eggs in groups in moist soil, and overwinter in organic mulch. Slugs can complete their entire life cycle in a field. Prevent infestation by scattering bait products to the soil surface around the perimeter of the planting. Make a rescue treatment by scattering the bait products on the soil as a band between rows. Apply in evening after a rain or irrigation. Avoid contact with edible product. Non-Pesticide Slug hiding places should be eliminated - such as, boards, stones, weedy areas, or heavy mulch - so the soil can become warm and dry. Raised beds that can dry out more readily than flat beds reduce slug problems. Using black plastic mulch discourages slug build-up because it causes the soil to heat up and dry out. Pesticide Deadline M-Ps (4P) (metaldehyde) | 25 lbs. per acre. Scatter bait around the perimeter of plantings or between rows. Apply in evening after a rain or irrigation. Avoid contact with edible product. Allow 21 days between applications. Maximum 4 applications per season. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 1day. IRAC UN. Sluggo 1B (iron phosphate) | 20-44 lbs. per acre, or at 05.-1 lb. per square ft. Prevent infestation by scattering bait products to the soil surface around the perimeter of the planting. Make a rescue treatment by scattering the bait products on the soil as a band between rows. Apply in evening after a rain or irrigation. REI: 0-hour. PHI: 0-day. IRAC UN. OMRI-listed. Tarnished Plant Bug Treat if there are 2-4 tarnished plant bugs per 20 plants. Pesticide Baythroid XL (1EC) (beta-cyfluthrin) | 0.8-3.2 fl. oz. per acre. Allow 7 days between applications. Do not exceed 12.8 fl. oz. per acre per season. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 0-day. IRAC 03A. RUP. Beleaf (50SG) (flonicamid) | 2-2.8 oz. per acre. Allow 7 days between applications. Do not exceed 8.4 oz. per acre per season. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 0-day. IRAC 29. 98 Mustang Maxx (0.8) (zeta-cypermethrin) | 2.24-4.0 fl. oz. per acre. Allow 7 days between applications. Do not exceed 24 fl. oz. per acre per season. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 1-day. IRAC 03A. RUP. Sevin XLR Plus (4SC) (carbaryl) | 1-2 qts. per acre. Do not exceed 6 qts. per acre per season. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 14-day. IRAC 01A. Torac (1.29SC) (tolfenpyrad) | 17-21 fl. oz. per acre. Do not apply until 14 days after transplanting. Do not exceed 42 fl. oz. per crop cycle. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 1-day. IRAC 21A, FRAC 39. Thrips Pesticide Closer SC (2) (sulfoxaflor) | 4.25-5.75 fl. oz. per acre. Suppression only. Use high rate when pest pressure is heavy. Do not exceed 17 fl. oz. per acre per year. Allow 7 days between applications. Do not apply within 3 days of harvest. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 3-day. IRAC 04C. Exirel (0.83SE) (cyantraniliprole) | 13.5-20.5 fl. oz. per acre. Use an effective adjuvant. Allow 5 days between applications. Do not exceed 61.7 fl. oz. per acre per season. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 1-day. IRAC 28. Radiant 1SC (spinetoram) | 6-10 fl. oz. per acre. Allow 4 days between applications. Do not exceed 34 fl. oz. per acre per season. REI: 4-hour. PHI: 1-day. IRAC 05. Torac (1.29SC) (tolfenpyrad) | 21 fl. oz. per acre. Do not apply until 14 days after transplanting. Do not exceed 42 fl. oz. per crop cycle. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 1-day. IRAC 21A, FRAC 39. Whiteflies Pesticide Assail 30SG (acetamiprid) | Use 30SG formulations at 2-4 oz. per acre and do not exceed 20 oz. per acre per season. Use 70WP formulations at 0.8-1.7 oz. per acre and do not exceed 8.5 oz. per acre per season. Allow 7 days between applications. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 7-day. IRAC 04A. Closer SC (2) (sulfoxaflor) | 5.75 fl. oz. per acre. Suppression only. Do not exceed 17 fl. oz. per acre per year. Allow 7 days between applications. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 3day. IRAC 04C. Exirel (0.83SE) (cyantraniliprole) | 13.5-20.5 fl. oz. per acre. Use an effective adjuvant. Allow 5 days between applications. Do not exceed 61.7 fl. oz. per acre per season. REI: 12-hour. PHI: 1-day. IRAC 28. Midwest Veg Guide 2022