RADISHES (Raphanus sativus), RUTABAGAS (Brassica napus), AND TURNIPS (Brassica rapa var. rapa) VARIETIES1 RADISH: Salad, Daikon, and Icicle Types Amethyst 2 Bacchus 2 Cherriette 2 Cherry Belle 2 Champion 2 Cook's Custom Blend 2 Crunchy Royal 2 Easter Egg 2 Early Scarlet Globe 2 Fireball 2 Mardi Gras 2 Nero 2 (mixture of 3 root colors) (black exterior w/ white interior) Ostergruss Rosa 2, 3 Ping Pong (white exterior & interior) Pink Beauty 2 Red Head 2 Red Silk 2 Sora 2 Stargazer 2,10 Sparkler 2 Valentine 10 White Icicle 4 Watermelon 2, 9 RADISH: Storage Types April Cross 3 Everest 3 Omny 3 Long Black Spanish 5 Round Black Spanish 5 RUTABAGAS American Purple Top Laurentian TURNIPS Hakurei 6 Purple Top White Globe Royal Crown Scarlet Queen Red Stems 6 Shogoin Tokyo Cross White Egg White Lady 1 2 3 4 Abbreviations for state where recommended. Garden radish. Daikon radish. Icicle radish. 5 6 7 A A A A Spanish radish. Small root type; best when harvested at 2 " to 3 " diameter. Downy mildew tolerance/resistance. G G (half red, half white root) A A A A A A A A A A G R G K K M M M G G K K K K L L L L L 8 10 M M M M Fusarium wilt tolerance/resistance. 9 White exterior with red interior. Green and white exterior with red or pink interior N N N N N N N N N N N S S S S S S S T T T T T T A A R R L L N N A R (mixture of 4 root colors & shapes) (mixture of 5 - 6 root colors) A A A A A A A R AL AR R G K G K L L M K N S S S T N R K K M M N N O S S S S S S T N N N O O S S S T T T L M M GA KY LA L L MS NC N N N N N OK SC O O S S S S TN T T T T T T T 2021 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 101