VARIETIES1 KALE AL Black Magic 13 Blue Ridge 2 Darkibor Lacinato 13 Premier Redbor Siberian Squire Starbor Vates Winterbor KOHLRABI Early Purple Vienna Grand Duke Kolibri Kossak Quickstar 1 2 3 5 6 Abbreviations for state where recommended. Bolting tolerant. Bolting susceptible. 4 Tip burn tolerant. Hollow stem tolerance/resistance. Black rot tolerance/resistance. A 7 8 9 K 10 11 12 Bacterial leaf spot tolerance/resistance. Bacterial speck tolerance/resistance. Fusarium yellows tolerance/resistance. Downy mildew tolerance/resistance. Powdery mildew tolerance/resistance. Suitable for side shoot production. Seed Treatment. Check with seed supplier to determine if seed is hot-water treated for black rot control. If not, soak seed at 122°F . Use a 20-minute soak for broccoli, cauliflower, collards, kale, and Chinese cabbage. Soak cabbage for 25 minutes. Note. Hot water seed treatment may reduce seed germination. Following either treatment above, dry the seed, then treat with a labeled fungicide to prevent damping-off. Further information on seed treatments can be found under SEED TREATMENTS in the disease management section of the handbook. BROCCOLI PLANTING DATES AL North AL South GA North GA South KY East KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS North MS South NC East NC West SC East SC West TN East TN West VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) Spring 3/1-7/1 2/1-3/31 3/15-7/1 2/1-3/31 4/10-4/30 4/5-4/20 3/30-4/10 1/15-3/15 1/15-3/15 2/15-3/15 1/15-3/10 2/15-4/15 4/1-8/15 3/1-4/10 3/20-4/30 3/25-4/25 3/15-4/5 3/15-4/15 4/1-4/20 Fall NR 8/1-9/30 7/25-8/15 8/1-9/30 7/1-7/15 7/15-8/1 8/1-8/15 8/1-10/31 8/1-10/31 7/25-8/15 8/5-9/15 8/1-9/15 NR 9/1-9/30 8/15-9/15 8/1-8/31 8/10-8/31 7/1-7/31 6/20-7/20 BRUSSELS SPROUTS PLANTING DATES (cont'd) Spring AL North AL South GA North GA South NR NR NR NR A A A A A G G G K K K K K L L L M M M M M M 15 16 17 A A A A A A AR GA G G G G K K L M KY LA MS M NC N O N N N N N N N N N S 13 Dinosaur or Tuscan kale. 14 Warm weather tolerance. Orange Purple Miniature. 18 Fall only. BRUSSELS SPROUTS PLANTING DATES (cont'd) Spring KY East KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS North MS South NC East NC West SC East SC West TN East TN West VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) *Using transplants. CABBAGE PLANTING DATES AL North AL South GA North GA South KY East Fall 6/30-8/1* 8/1-9/15* 6/30-8/1* 8/1-9/15* KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS North MS South NC East NC West SC East SC West TN East TN West VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) 60 Spring 3/15-7/1 2/1-3/31 3/15-7/1 2/1-3/31 4/1-4/15 3/15-3/25 3/01-3/15 1/15-3/15 1/15-3/15 2/5-4/1 1/15-3/15 2/15-4/15 4/1-8/15 2/1-3/31 3/15-4/30 3/25-4/25 3/15-4/15 3/15- 4/1- Fall NR 8/1-10/31 7/25-8/15 8/1-10/31 6/20-7/1 7/1-7/15 7/15-8/01 8/1-11/30 8/1-11/30 7/25-8/15 8/5-9/15 8/1-9/15 NR 8/15-9/30 7/15-8/30 7/25-8/15 8/25-9/15 7/1-8/15 6/20-7/20 2021 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 4/15-5/15* NR NR 5/15-6/30* 4/20-6/20* NR NR O O O S S S S S O O S S T T T T T T V V V V S S T OK SC TN VA Fall 6/15-7/15* 7/1-8/1* 7/15-8/15* 8/1-10/1* 8/15-10/15* 7/15-8/15* 8/1-9/1* 7/15-8/15* NR 9/15-10/15 8/15-9/15 7/15-8/15* 8/1-9/1* 8/1-9/15* 8/1-9/1*