DISEASE CONTROL TABLE 3-22. DISEASE CONTROL PRODUCTS FOR ONION (cont'd) N. Gauthier and E. Fealko, Plant Pathologists, University of Kentucky Disease/Material FRAC Code Rate of Material Formulation Minimum Days Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks ONION (DRY) (CONT'D) NECK ROT (BOTRYTIS SPP.), PURPLE BLOTCH (ALTERNARIA PORRI), DOWNY MILDEW (PERONOSPORA DESTRUCTOR) (CONT'D) fluazinam (Omega 500) 29 fluopyram + tebuconazole (Luna Experience) fluopyram + pyrimethanil (Luna Tranquility) fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin (Merivon) iprodione (Rovral 4F) mancozeb (various) mancozeb + zoxamide (Gavel 75 DF) mancozeb + azoxystrobin (Dexter Max) mancozeb + azoxystrobin + tebuconazole (Dexter Xcel) mefenoxam + chlorothalonil (Ridomil Gold/Bravo) penthiopyrad (Fontelis) propiconazole (various) pyraclostrobin + boscalid (Pristine) tebuconazole (Toledo 36F) tebuconazole + chlorothalonil (Muscle) tebuconazole + potassium phosphate (Viathon) zoxamide + mancozeb (Zing!) penthiopyrad (Fontelis) mancozeb (various) azoxystrobin + difenoconazole (Quadris Top) difenoconazole + cyprodinil (Inspire Super) fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin (Merivon) PINK ROOT (PHOMA SPP.) iprodione (various) SMUT (UROCYSTIS SPP.) pyraclostrobin + boscalid (Pristine) (Quadris and various) fluazinam (Omega 500F) iprodione (Rovral 4F) 2 1.5 lb/acre 7 0.5 29 1.0 pt/acre 7 4+M 7 3 2.5 pt/acre 16 to 24 fl oz/acre 4 to 8 oz/acre 11+7 14.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 3 3+M 3+33 22+M 7 M 11+3 3+9 7+11 2 4 to 6 fl oz/acre 7 3 14 7 7 1.1 to 1.6 pt/acre 7 to 14 2 to 3 pts/acre 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 24 oz/acre 7 7 3 3 lb/29,000 ft row - 14 fl oz/acre 7 16 to 20 fl oz/acre 4 to 11 fl oz/acre 1.5 lb/acre 50 to 100 gal/acre 11+7 10.5 to 18.5oz/acre STEMPHYLIUM LEAF BLIGHT (STEMPHYLIUM VESICARIUM) azoxystrobin 11 9 to 15.5 fl oz/acre 7 7 1 Make no more than 6 applications per season. 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications before alternating with fungicides with a different mode of action. Apply no more than 90 fl oz of Quadris per crop per acre per season. See individual labels for application instructions and rates. 2 Initiate sprays when conditions are favorable for disease or at disease onset. Spray on a 7- to 10-day schedule. Not for downy mildew. Apply when conditions are favorable; 14-day intervals. 7 7 7 2 12 hr Begin sprays prior to disease development and continue on a 7- to 14-day schedule. 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Use preventatively. 0.5 GA only. Apply as a broadcast or banded spray over seeds or seedlings. - 0.5 0.5 0.5 Begin sprays prior to disease onset and spray on a 7- to 14-day schedule. Do not rotate with Group 11 fungicides. Make no more than two applications before alternating with a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply at disease onset; continue on 7- to 14-day schedule. No more than 3 applications/season. Start 7-day foliar sprays at first appearance of favorable conditions. Not for downy mildew. Alternate with a different mode of action. Make no more than 6 applications per season. Not for downy mildew or Botrytis. Suppresses Sclerotium spp. Not for downy mildew or Botrytis. 7+3 7+9 7+11 2 M M+22 M3+11 1.0 pt/acre 8 to 12.8 oz/acre 16 to 27 oz/acre 4 to 11 fl oz/acre 1.5 lb/acre 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 3.2 lb/acre M+11+3 48 to 72 fl oz/acre 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 14 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 1 1 Not for downy mildew. Suppresses Sclerotium spp. Not for downy mildew. Suppresses Sclerotium spp. Use higher rates for downy mildew suppression. Apply at disease onset; continue on a 7- to 14-day schedule. No more than 3 applications per season. Not for downy mildew. Apply when conditions are favorable; 14-day intervals. Do not exceed 30 lb per acre per crop. Do not make more than 8 applications per season. Do not apply to exposed bulbs. Do not apply to exposed bulbs. Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before rotating with a product other than FRAC 11. Initiate sprays when conditions are favorable for disease or at disease onset. Spray on a 7- to 10-day schedule. 250 2022 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States