CABBAGE PLANTING DATES (cont'd) Spring 2/5-4/1 SC East SC West TN East TN West VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) 1/15-3/15 2/15-4/15 4/1-8/15 2/15-3/10 2/1-3/31 3/15-4/30 3/25-4/25 3/15-4/15 3/15- 4/15 4/1- 4/30 Fall COLLARDS PLANTING DATES (cont'd) Spring MS North MS South NC East NC West OK 7/25-8/15 8/5-9/15 8/1-9/15 NR 8/1-8/25 8/15-9/30 7/15-8/30 7/25-8/15 8/25-9/15 7/1-8/15 6/20-7/20 Note: Planting dates in the spring could be earlier if low tunnels or other season extension measures are used in some locations. NR = Not recommended VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) 4/1- 4/30 4/20- 5/20 Fall 7/1-8/31 7/15-8/20 Note: Planting dates in the spring could be earlier if low tunnels or other season extension measures are used in some locations. NR = Not recommended KALE PLANTING DATES Spring AL North AL South GA North GA South KY East CAULIFLOWER PLANTING DATES Spring AL North AL South GA North GA South KY East KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS North MS South NC East NC West OK SC East SC West TN East TN West VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) 3/15-7/1 2/1-3/31 3/15-7/1 2/1-3/31 4/10-4/30 4/5-4/20 3/30-4/10 2/1-3/15 2/1-3/15 2/15-3/15 1/15-3/10 2/15-4/15 4/1-8/15 2/15-3/10 3/1-4/10 3/20-4/30 3/25-4/25 3/15-4/15 NR 4/1-4/20 Fall NR 8/1-9/30 7/25-8/15 8/1-9/30 7/1-7/15 7/15-8/1 8/1-8/15 7/15-10/31 7/15-10/31 7/25-8/15 8/5-9/15 8/1-9/30 NR 8/1-8/25 8/15-8/30 7/15-8/30 7/15-8/15 8/1-8/20 7/1-7/30 6/20-7/20 Note: Planting dates in the spring could be earlier if low tunnels or other season extension measures are used in some locations. NR = Not recommended KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS North MS South NC East NC West OK SC East SC West TN East TN West VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) 3/15-4/30 2/1-3/31 3/15-4/30 2/1-3/31 4/1-4/30 3/20-4/15 3/10-4/10 2/1-3/15 2/1-3/15 1/20-4/1 1/15-3/1 2/15-6/30 4/1-8/15 2/15-3/10 2/1-6/15 3/15-6/30 3/15-5/1 2/15-4/15 4/1-4/30 4/20-5/20 Fall 8/1-9/15 8/1-10/31 NR 8/1-10/31 7/1-7/15 7/15-8/1 8/1-8/15 7/15-10/31 7/15-10/31 7/25-8/20 8/10-9/15 8/1-9/15 NR 8/1-8/15 8/1-10/30 8/1-9/30 8/1-9/1 8/15-9/15 7/1-8/31 7/15-8/20 Note: Planting dates in the spring could be earlier if low tunnels or other season extension measures are used in some locations. NR = Not recommended KOHLRABI PLANTING DATES Spring AL North AL South GA North GA South KY East COLLARDS PLANTING DATES (cont'd) Spring AL North AL South GA North GA South KY East KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS North MS South NC East NC West OK SC East SC West TN East TN West 2/15-6/30 1/15-5/31 3/15-7/31 2/1-3/31 3/15-4/30 3/10-4/25 3/1-4/15 1/15-3/15 1/15-3/15 1/20-4/1 1/15-3/1 2/15-6/30 4/1-8/15 2/15-3/10 2/1-6/15 3/15-6/30 3/15-5/1 2/15-4/15 Fall 7/15-10/15 7/15-10/31 7/25-8/15 8/1-10/31 7/1-7/15 7/15-8/1 8/1-8/15 7/15-10/31 7/15-10/31 7/25-8/20 8/10-9/15 8/1-9/15 NR 8/1-9/1 8/1-10/30 8/1-9/30 7/15-8/15 8/1-8/20 KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS NC East NC West OK SC East SC West TN East TN West VA East (coastal) VA West (mountain) 3/15-7/1 2/1-3/31 3/15-7/1 2/1-3/31 4/10-4/30 4/5-4/20 3/30-4/10 2/1-3/15 2/1-3/15 2/1-3/31 2/15-6/30 4/1-8/15 2/15-3/10 2/1-6/15 3/15-6/30 3/25-4/25 3/15-4/15 3/15-4/15 4/1- 4/20 Fall NR 8/1-9/30 NR 8/1-9/30 NR NR NR 7/15-10/31 7/15-10/31 8/1-9/30 8/1-9/15 NR 8/1-8/25 8/1-9/30 8/1-9/15 8/1-8/15 8/15-8/30 7/1-7/31 6/25-7/15 Note: Planting dates in the spring could be earlier if low tunnels or other season extension measures are used in some locations. NR = Not recommended 68 2022 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States