PEAS (ENGLISH/GARDEN) (Pisum sativum) VARIETIES1 AL ENGLISH/GARDEN PEAS Green Arrow Knight Oregon Sugar Pod II 2, 3 Sugar Ann 3 Sugar Bon 3 Sugar Snap 3 Tall Telephone/Alderman 1 Abbreviations for state where recommended. 2 Flat podded - snow pea. 3 Edible pod type. A A A A GA G G G G G KY K K K K LA L L L L L L L MS M M M M M M NC N N N N N N O O OK SC S S S S S TN T T T T T Garden peas thrive in cool weather and are frost tolerate . Early plantings can be made as soon as soil can be tilled in the spring. Inoculation of seed can enhance early nodule formation and improve plant development. Seed Treatment. Use seed already treated with an approved seed treatment, or treat seed with a slurry or dust that contains an approved fungicide. For a list of approved treatments, see SEED TREATMENTS in the disease management section of the handbook. Seeding and Spacing. For Garden peas and processing peas, plant 3-4 seeds per foot in rows 6-8 inches apart, requiring seed 80-120 pounds per acre in 30 inch rows. Seed at a depth of no more than one inch unless soil is dry. Use press wheel drill or seeder to firm seed into soil. Seedlings will emerge in 6 to 14 days, weather dependent. Harvesting usually begins 50-75 days after emergence. Average yield of Garden peas is approximately 20 pounds per 100 row feet. Cultivation. Avoid overfertilization. Too much nitrogen will reduce yields. Garden peas need some type of support structure for best performance and speedier picking. Garden peas should not follow beans or another Legume crop. Harvesting and Storage. Harvest often. Picking is labor intensive and may need to happen almost daily during peak production periods. Allowing Garden peas to get too large on the vines will greatly reduce production. Larger acreages of Garden peas require mechanical harvesting to be profitable. Leafless type Garden peas, with more tendrils than true leaves, are easier to harvest. Cool Garden peas as soon as possible after picking as their sugars convert to starch at higher temperatures. See Table 14 for further postharvest information. ENGLISH/GARDEN PEAS PLANTING DATES Spring AL North AL South GA North GA South KY East KY Central KY West LA North LA South MS North MS South NC East NC West OK SC East SC West TN East TN West NR = Not recommended 3/15-4/30 2/1-3/31 3/15-4/30 2/1-3/31 3/15-4/15 3/1-4/1 2/20-3/20 11/15-2/1 11/15-2/1 2/10-4/25 1/25-4/5 2/15-4/15 4/1-6/15 2/15-3/10 2/1-3/15 3/1-4/15 3/15-4/30 2/15-3/30 Fall 8/1-8/31 8/1-9/30 8/1-8/31 8/1-9/30 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 8/1-9/30 NR 8/15-9/1 8/15-11/30 8/15-10/30 NR NR 82 2023 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States