MOBILE APPS VEGDR app for iOS and Android VegDr provides you with up-to-date information for vegetable diseases in Georgia. The app contains information on various diseases, images of the symptoms, and list what products are considered effective for control. At present time, the app includes cucurbits (cucumber, watermelon, squash, cantaloupe, pumpkin) and solanaceous crops (tomato and pepper). Recommendations are based on information on the manufacturer's label and performance data from trials the University of Georgia. Download the free VegDr app at the Apple or Google app stores. WEB-BASED APPS CLEMSON CENTER PIVOT FERTIGATION CALCULATOR Calculates the amount of liquid fertilizer to apply through center pivot irrigation systems. CLEMSON DRIP FERTIGATION CALCULATOR Calculates the amount of liquid fertilizer to apply through the drip system. 2023 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States vii