Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 3

www.spudman.com Thursday, January 10, 2019
continued from page 1
the numbers and skill sets
for agriculture. The question
is whether or not Congress
has the will to put together a
package like that and try to
move it forward. We would
hope that the unsettled
nature of the border now
would give people the idea
that we need to do something
and that we need to do a
comprehensive package so
that all aspects of immigration
are addressed.
2. Infrastructure. When
President Trump ran in 2016
he focused a lot of time and
attention on the campaign trail
about the need to improve
America's infrastructure and
to do a big infrastructure bill.
Key Speakers
Monday, Feb. 25 - Current
Political Outlook, A.B. Stoddard,
associate editor and columnist,
" A.B. Stoddard is an excellent speaker and
well-known from her appearances on Fox
News, Fox Business and CNN. Her insight into
how the work of Congress and the White
House may impact our industry will be
fascinating, " said Larry Alsum, Alsum Farms
& Produce, Friedland, Wisconsin, and vice
president of finance and office procedures,
National Potato Council.
To stand up for potatoes on Capitol Hill, growers from Montana had meetings
with each of their members of Congress and spoke with a united voice on behalf
of the potato industry.
That's also been a priority for
some of the Democrats, too. So
the hope would be that in the
new year we get a real focus
on an infrastructure bill that
would improve our roads
and bridges, (and) improve
continued on page 4
Tuesday, Feb. 26 - Electoral
Analysis and Prognostication,
Nathan Gonzales, founder of
" Nathan Gonzales is an expert at reading the
numbers behind elections. His ability to turn
down the noise and focus on the substance
will be very valuable for our fly-in attendees, "
said Jared Balcom, president, Balcom & Moe,
Pasco, Washington, and vice president of
trade affairs, National Potato Council.
Yara is committed to helping farmers grow their toppotato.
An integral part of Yara Crop Solution for potatoes is
canopy and aids in the uptake of calcium, magnesium and
potassium for a higher pack out and more profit per acre.
Yara's product portfolio, knowledge and tools are the right
combination for top yield and quality.
Booth #314
, featuring nitrate nitrogen to help deliver a strong
For more information about our toppotato solution, visit us
at the Yara North America booth.
Yara North America, Inc. * 800-234-9376 * www.yara.us
http://www.spudman.com http://www.PoliticsinStereo.com http://www.yara.us

Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019

Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 1
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 2
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 3
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 4
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 5
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 6
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 7
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 8
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 9
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 10
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 11
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 12
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 13
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 14
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 15
Spudman Today - Day 2 - 2019 - 16