TECHNOLOGY determine readiness (color, size, etc.). Crops are visually checked to see if and when they meet the requirements. This is another example where computer vision can aid our processes and move us into data-driven decision making. Instead of subjectively checking crops, growers can use computer vision to identify exactly when crops meet their requirements and notify the sales team, eliminating the friction that often exists between production and sales. Ultimately, these are just a few examples of where data can have a meaningful impact for your business. If you're exploring how to become more data-driven as an organization and thinking about how technology can help you get there, we'd love to chat. You can reach out to me directly with feedback, questions or ideas. Allison Kopf is chief growth officer at IUNU. She can be reached at VIEW WHAT'S NEW IN THE 2023 Guide to Cannabis Production YOUR ESSENTIAL RESOURCE TO THE CANNABIS INDUSTRY Greenhouse Product News understands that the greenhouse market is constantly changing, allowing for a variety of products grown and an opportunity to grow new crops. To meet the needs of this ever-changing market, the 2023 Guide to Cannabis Production provides growers with the latest insight and product information for successful cannabis production. VISIT GPNMAG.COM/CANNABIS-GUIDE TO GET YOUR COPY TODAY! JANUARY 2023 23http://www.GPNMAG.COM/CANNABIS-GUIDE