TECHNOLOGY Fluence lighting experts weigh in on the latest technology for growers Cucumbers growing under greenhouse lighting. All photos courtesy of Fluence. BY HEATHER MACHOVINA W hat's the latest in greenhouse lighting? There's more to advance your production today than just switching over to LEDs. I had an enlightening chat with Ashley van de Sande, strategic account manager, and Michelle Montgomery, horticulture service specialist at Fluence, to uncover more insight into this evolving technology. Let's start with the latest technology in lighting systems for greenhouse operations. What are the things that growers should be looking out for and need to know right now? Ashley van de Sande: Some of the things that we're seeing now with LEDs becoming more of a standardization, and replacing what I like to call antiquated lighting, is the ability to increase fixture wattage. We're seeing much more powerful fixtures coming to market. And now, we're witnessing the benefit of higher power fixtures because it's driving efficiency and light intensity. Another benefit of LEDs is dimming controls - growers have the ability to 12 JULY 2024 GPNMAG.COM FEBRUARY 2024 GPNMAG.COMhttp://www.GPNMAG.COM