CAST 2024 Dichondra 'Silver Surfer' | Benary Eucalyptus globulus 'Styx' | Benary used indoors. 'Silver Surfer' seed is treated with Reliable BeGreen from Benary for stronger root development and faster growth, with superior germination at 85% or more. Benary is also on the path to bring eucalyptus back with three new seed types this year. Eucalyptus globulus 'Styx,' eucalyptus populnea 'Murray' and eucalyptus preissiana 'Albany' are all great choices for foliage or perennials programs. 'Styx' (shown) is a fast growing, vigorous plant with exceptional branching and silvery-blue leaves. It's the quickest of the three varieties to finish in 12-14 weeks. A great container variety, 'Murray' has a compact habit, oval green-blue leaves and a light menthol scent for additional appeal. It finishes in 15-18 weeks. 18 JULY 2024 GPNMAG.COM FEBRUARY 2024 GPNMAG.COM 'Albany' is a multi-use variety that also finishes in 15-18 weeks. The large oval leaves bring a bright green pop to containers, and it looks great when cut for floral arrangements. The mature plants will bloom with yellow flowers under the appropriate conditions as well. PERENNIALS Genetic improvements in perennials is bringing more heat and drought tolerance to some popular genuses, and better growth habits for container applications. As the name eludes, 'Kilimanjaro White' is one of the largest flowering shasta daisies in the world! The aggressive growth habit of this leucanthemum from Green Fuse Botanicals provides an easy filler for large containers and is day-length neutral. Leucanthemum 'Kilimanjaro White' | Green Fuse Botanicalshttp://www.GPNMAG.COM