CAST 2024 Arabis 'Artic Fox' | PlantHaven Begonia 'Dreams Macarazz' | Beekenkamp Phlox 'Woodlander Periwinkle' | Dümmen Orange Hellebore 'Frostkiss Elemental' | Pacific Plug & Liner The Woodlander series is an interspecific phlox with better garden adaptability from Dümmen Orange. The stronger, mounding and spreading habit makes it a great groundcover. Periwinkle, a new release, produces larger light lavender flowers, has an extended flowering season and is naturally an early bloomer. Elemental is the latest variety in the hellebore Frostkiss series from Pacific Plug & Liner. The marbled leaves are attractive in the landscape all year, and hardy pink flowers bloom from December through April. A shade-loving option that holds up to the heat and 20 JULY 2024 GPNMAG.COM FEBRUARY 2024 GPNMAG.COM humidity is arabis 'Arctic Fox' from PlantHaven. This Zone 4 hardy perennial shines a spotlight on darker areas of a garden by providing brightness in the form of variegated leaves and pure white margins. From a rooted liner, an 8-inch pot finishes in 6-8 weeks and 1-gallon containers will be ready in 8-10 weeks. At Beekenkamp the focus was placed on weather resistance in begonia breeding. Macarazz, from the Dreams series, has pink blooms and is best for landscapes and containers. It can finish in as little as nine weeks, depending on container size.http://www.GPNMAG.COM