MEET THE MAKER Gingerbread House 1,000-Piece Puzzle. Once Puzzle Snax went to market, Mendlow said they found it could be for all ages, especially the elderly who enjoy puzzling but can't create 1,000-piece puzzles anymore. Puzzles can also make a great gift, whether for an avid puzzle or as a quick gift to grab. " There's a big gift-giving element to our [puzzles] because we're novel and we're the new kids on the block, " she said. " ... I do think that there is a gift-giving aspect to WerkShoppe that might be a little bit different than other puzzle makers. " BEHIND THE PUZZLE Hueners and Mendlow found that most puzzles have traditional or old-fashioned designs - think farm landscapes and famous paintings - and they wanted to do something different. 126 WINTER 2025 GIFT SHOP® PLUS