COVER STORY W. Heavenly Debbie V. Notes & Queries V. VINTAGE VOGUE. This is yet another trend brought to my attention by Notes & Queries - now I'm seeing it everywhere from John Derian to Jonathan Adler! W. WAY ON THE BACK. Every inch of card real estate is precious - which is why makers are cleverly incorporating back copy into the entire card experience. X. XTREMELY IN TOUCH WITH ANXIETY. Much like we see with neurospicy, a new openness about our challenges makes them easier to live with and accept. Y. YEAR-ROUND SPOOKY SEASON. Just as " Pumpkin Spice Season " starts for many on Aug. 1, Halloween doesn't end on Oct. 31 anymore! Engaging pieces keep the frightful mood happening all year. Z. GEN Z. This generation is made up by those born in the 1990s and early 2000s - and their fingerprints are all over this abecedary. Fortunately, they also enjoy poking fun at themselves. S T Y. Smarty Pants Paper Co. 22 Fall 2024 | STATIONERY TRENDS X. Fluffmallow Z. The Twentieth