FRESH PICKS 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 Vibrant Colorways 1. Am I the Drama? Notebook· Furbish. 2. Leslie Moak Murray Card. NIQUEA.D. 3. Zinnia Blooms Embroidery Kit. Antiquaria. 4. Assorted Pills Shaker Ornament. Drawn Goods. 5. Cloud Nine Card Game. Pink Tiger Games. 6. Cotton Scarf Bandana. KEVA + Created By. 7. Blooming Birthday Cake. FreshCut Paper. 8. Festive Elephant Pop-Up. Up With Paper. 9. Dog Composition Book. Mr· Boddington's Studio. 10. Lip Balm. Holalola. 10 Winter 2025 | STATIONERY TRENDS 10