CONTENTS NEW VARIETIES ISSUE | NOVEMBER 2024 6 Nurturing the soil 9 FEATURES 06 Tomato farming success Seed trials help Del Jardin Fresh cultivate tomato excellence 09 Mesotunnels impact Research indicates medium tunnels can exclude insects in cucurbits 11 Unlocking farm potential Katrina Becker shares weed control, cover crop insights at the Great Lakes EXPO 12 Great Lakes EXPO Schedule 14 Hydroponics Growing media influences how plant health is managed Including: 35 Mesotunnels and pest management DEPARTMENTS 04 Editor's Letter 40 Fresh Views 42 Veg Connections 44 Farm Market & Agritourism 46 Ag Labor 48 Classifieds 50 Ad Index On the Cover Katrina Becker, owner, operator and farmer of Cattail Organics, will present two sessions at the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm market EXPO. Photo by Alice Gallagher. PAGE 11 VEGETABLEGROWERSNEWS.COM | 3http://www.VEGETABLEGROWERSNEWS.COM