H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 15

several companies are investing in new green H2
centers) and fertilizer production.
At the time of this publication, France's new H2
is expected to be announced mid-year. The new
strategy is in response to numerous new green H2
that have been announced since France unveiled its
first H2
strategy in 2020-the country's first H2
plan was
announced in 2018. Since the release of the country's H2
program, the following notable projects (not an exhaustive
list) have been announced to help France meet its
2050 net-zero ambitions:
* Horizeo's 1-GW solar farm: The project developers
are exploring the installation of electrolyzers
to produce green H2
* Hydrogen Pilot Storage for large Ecosystem Replication
(HyPSTER) project: This project is the first EU-funded
project to test storing H2
in underground salt caverns.
* TotalEnergies' Masshylia project that will supply
green H2
to the operator's La Mède refinery
to help decarbonize biofuels production.
* Grande Region Hydrogen project: This crossborder
provide green H2
ecosystem consists of several projects to
to decarbonize various industrial
sectors of France and Germany's economies. These
4% Belguim
7% France
4% Denmark
22% UK
9% Other
16% Germany
5% Italy
6% Norway
4% Sweden
11% Netherlands
12% Spain
FIG. 12. Active H2 project market share in Western Europe.
Source: GEI database.
projects include H2V Fos and Thionville projects,
GazelEnergie's Emil'Hy project, Steag GmbH's project,
the HyPower Moselle/Saar projects and the CarlHYng
project, and the 100-km MosaHYc H2
that will provide up to 50,000 tpy of H2
France and Germany by 2030.
pipeline project
to cities in
* DOMO Chemicals and Hynamics' 11,000-tpy lowcarbon
plant that will provide feedstock for DOMO
Chemicals' plastics production process at Belle-Étoile.
* Occitanie H2 Corridor project: This €110-MM initiative
includes the construction of green H2
plants (Lhyfe's
2-tpd plant in Bessières and Hyd'Occ's 3,000-tpy
plant in Port-la-Nouvelle) and H2
fueling stations to
help decarbonize long-haul and passenger vehicles
in the Occitanie region of southern France.
* Grand Est green H2 fuel chain project
* Air Liquide's Normand'Hy large-scale renewable
production project: The 200-MW electrolyzer
will provide green H2
to TotalEnergie's Normandy
refinery. Air Liquide is also working with DLVA and
Engie on the €300-MM HyGreen Provence project.
The facility will produce more than 10,400 tpy of
green H2
. The green H2
salt caverns and used to decarbonize the region's
industrial and transportation sectors.
* Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis H2
H2V and the Port of Marseille Fos are developing
six 100-MW green H2
production units at a total cost
of €750 MM-this project is noted in the Grande
Region Hydrogen project summary. The green H2
will be used to decarbonize industrial and
transportation sectors in the region (e.g., H2V plans
to build 20 H2
fueling stations).
* Hy2Gen's Hynovera project: The €460-MM project
will produce green H2
and renewable fuels.
* Reuze project: Engie and Infinium are investing €500
MM to produce fuels from captured CO2
and green H2
Germany. The country is second only to the UK in
active H2 projects in Western Europe. Like the rest of the
EU nations, Germany has vowed to be a carbon-neutral
economy by 2050, and the nation's H2
make this ambitious goal a reality.
strategy will help
First unveiled in 2020, Germany's National Hydrogen
Strategy focused on increasing renewable power generation
to provide feedstock for green H2
as the massive scale-up of domestic green H2
capacity. The green H2
production, as well
will be used to decarbonize industrial
and mobility sectors of the German economy. In the
report, nearly €12 B has been provided by various federal
organizations and programs-the National Innovation Program
on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, the Energy
and Climate Fund, the Regulatory Sandboxes for the Energy
Transition, and the Coalition Committee's Package for
the Future-to invest in H2
up the adoption of H2
technology research, to speed
technologies into various industrial
markets to expediate the decarbonization of those industries,
and to establish more partnerships with international
markets. For example, the Package for the Future program
provides €7 B to expedite H2
technology adoption in the
German market and another €2 B to foster international
partnerships/green H2
national H2
will be stored in underground
However, in July 2023, Germany unveiled an updated
strategy. According to the report, Germany's
new H2 strategy raises the country's H2
demand to
between 95 TWh and 130 TWh by 2030-the 2020 report
forecasts domestic H2
demand to reach between 90 TWh
and 110 TWh within the same timeframe. The report also
calls for the doubling of domestic green H2
production to
10 GW by 2030, as well as the reliance on imported green
of between 50% and 70% of domestic H2
the same timeframe.25
To help meet projected H2
demand within
demand in Germany, numerous
H2 projects have been announced in the country.
These projects focus on a wide array of producing and/or
utilizing green H2
€5 B to establish Wilhelmshaven as a H2
to decarbonize various industrial sectors
of the German economy. These projects include billions
of euros to build new H2
production capacity, more than
hub, > €3.5 B
to use green H2 to decarbonize German steel production
(e.g., Salzgitter's Salcos project, STEAG's HydrOxy Hub
Walsum project, thyssenkrupp's €2-B Duisburg direct-iron
ore plant project), building green ammonia import infrastructure
(e.g., Brunsbüttel, Wilhelmshaven, Port of Hamburg,
Rostock), building and converting existing pipeline

H2Tech Market Data 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2024

H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 1
H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 2
H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 3
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H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 27