H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 19

demand centers, the installation of numerous H2
centers and incorporating green H2
cles (e.g., buses), among other projects.
Green H2
tions by the early 2050s. The country's H2
into mass transit vehiwill
be help Turkey reach its net-zero ambistrategy-published
in late January 2023-calls for 70 GW of electrolyzer
capacity in operation by 2053, with interim targets of 2 GW
in 2025 and 5 GW in 2035.31
The use of green H2
will greatly
reduce carbon emission from heavy industrial sectors, such
as steelmaking and cement production.
In January 2023, Romania unveiled
its Hydrogen
Strategy and Action Plan for 2023-2030. The plan calls
for the installation of approximately 8 GW of renewable
energy to feed nearly 4,000 MW of electrolyzer capacity
by 2030. This initiative will enable Romania to produce
a significant amount of green H2
-most H2 production in
Romania is through gray pathways [e.g., steam methane
reforming (SMR) without capturing the carbon emitted
from the process]. The action plan also calls for the construction
of new H2
storage facilities, as well as five potential H2
referred to as H2
* Bucurest-Ploiesti-Targoviste-Pitesti
* Constanta-Medgidia-Calarasi-Slobozia
* Cluj-Targu Mures-Sighisoara-Sibiu-Sebes
* Galati-Braila-Tulcea
* Craiova-Slatina-Targu Jiu.32
As previously mentioned, Romania will also be the
site of a significant amount of green H2
the Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube initiative. Additional
green H2
infrastructure, such as pipelines and
valleys (also
Azerbaijan is targeting renewable energy to comprise
30% of the nation's electricity generation by 2030. This
multi-billion-dollar initiative is being developed in two
phases. Phase 1 includes the construction of 4 GW of
renewable power generation (2 GW of offshore wind, 1
GW of onshore wind and 1 GW of solar power), which will
also be used for green H2
production. Masdar and SOCAR
have also signed a cooperation agreement with the United
Arab Emirates (UAE) to develop an additional 6 GW of
renewable power in Phase 2.
Tajikistan plans to increase domestic renewable capacity
to 10 GW by 2030. This infrastructure will help the country
meet its goal of increasing domestic green H2
1 MMtpy by 2040-Tajikistan aims to produce 500,000 tpy
of green H2
by 2030 and double it by 2040. Green H2
production to
used domestically will be exported to Asian nations.
Despite being engaged in a war with Russia, Ukraine
is actively considering developing two H2
valleys in the
country. The two potential valleys-one in the Zakarpattia
region and one in the Odessa region-could install up to
2.5 GW of electrolyzer capacity able to produce approximately
220,000 tpy of green H2
. These two H2
valleys may
also receive funding from the EU; however, at the time of
this publication, no formal EU funding announcement had
been reached.
Russia announced an ambitious H2
production for
supplies will enable Romania to decarbonize its
industrial and power sectors, as well as export zero-carbon
energy to central Europe.
In the CIS, the most notable and capital-intensive
project is Hyrasia One. The estimated $50-B project will
include the construction of massive solar and wind farms
in the steppes of southwestern Kazakhstan. In total, these
renewable power assets will produce approximately 40 GW
of renewable electricity, which will be used as feedstock to
produce up to 2 MMtpy of green H2
aimed at exporting 200,000 tpy of H2
Due to the abundant use of renewable energy, countries
in Central and South America are prime for utilizing this
power system as a pathway to green H2
/ammonia generaroadmap
in 2021.
This detailed plan focused on Russia capturing 20% of
the world's H2
market by 2030. The three-phase strategy
by 2025, increasing
to 2 MMtpy by 2035 and between 15 MMtpy and 50 MMtpy
by 2050. Since Russia is a major producer of natural gas,
most of the country's H2
goals center on blue H2
with carbon capture.
However, the country has several challenges restricting
these lofty goals. One, the country's low-carbon H2
industry is in its infancy. A significant amount of capital
must be invested to build H2
or 11 MMtpy of green
ammonia. If built, commissioning of the project is scheduled
for 2030, with full capacity to be reached in 2032.
by 2025, the Russian government
capacity over the next year.
production capacity, pipeline
infrastructure and to install carbon capture technologies.
To help reach Phase 1's goal of exporting up to 200,000
tpy of low-carbon H2
announced an infusion of approximately $125 MM to help
build up its domestic H2
tion. At the time of this publication, more than a dozen Latin
American countries had published either a full working H2
strategy or detailed framework. These initiatives will help
these countries mitigate emissions, especially from high
carbon-emitting sectors such as transportation and power/
electricity generation.
However, implementing these programs is a separate
challenge, especially with the significant costs that are associated
with building up renewable energy infrastructure,
green H2
and provide zero-carbon H2
production plants and other pathways to transport
to various industrial, commercial
and residential sectors. Regardless, several Central and
South American countries have announced ambitious plans
to scale up both the production and use of green H2
in their
economies in an effort to drive down carbon emissions.
Brazil. In mid-2022, the Brazilian government passed a resolution
establishing the country's H2
1. Research and development
2. Training the future H2
strategy. The country's
National Hydrogen Program (PNH2) focuses on six areas of
development to increase the country's adoption of green H2
low-carbon H2
Even if Russia were to quickly increase its domestic
industry, the critical question is: Who will buy
it? Due to Russia's war with Ukraine, H2
markets in Western
Europe are closed to Russian exports. Since pipelines to
eastern Asian countries are in a nascent state, a significant
amount of investment will be needed to transport low-carbon
to potential Asian (e.g., China) and Middle Eastern
buyers. One solution would be for Russia to export H2
low-carbon ammonia via marine transport to customers willing
to purchase it. However, at the time of this publication,
no major plans had been announced regarding this pathway.
The GEI database is tracking more than a dozen active H2
projects in Russia; however, many of these projects are still
in early development phases.
https://globalenergyinfrastructure.com/ http://www.H2-Tech.com

H2Tech Market Data 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2024

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H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 2
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