Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 21
w w w . B E R K SB A R .o r g
We, my older brother Jack and I, were allowed to visit Steel
Pier once a summer. We earned the admission price by picking
up soda bottles on the beach, and turning them back to the
vendor for the 2 cent deposit. That's how it was done before the
age of landfills. On Steel Pier, for one child's admission price of
less than a dollar if you came early and stayed late, you could see
two films, the magic show, the diving collegians, the high diving
horse, visit an amusement park with a Ferris wheel, see Rex the
Wonder Dog, watch the diving bell, and, sometime during a
summer night, crawl back exhausted to the rooming house you
lived in. Ours was the Villa Nova on Ocean Avenue.
During one of our
yearly visits, the feature
film on Steel Pier was
a western titled " The
Outlaw, " which I knew
would be good. The title
itself, " The Outlaw, " told
me all I needed to know.
It had all the characters a red-blooded American boy knew
about: the famous Philadelphia dentist turned gunslinger, Doc
Holiday; the young outlaw, Billy the Kid, a boy more notorious
than John Wesley Hardin; and the famous sheriff, Pat Garrett.
It puzzled me to see what I assumed to be a tanned Mexican
woman with a large nose and a blouse with buttons open at the
top displayed on the film's advertisement.
It didn't turn out to be a normal cowboy movie. Things went
on that Gene Autry and Roy Rodgers wouldn't do. I never saw
Gene Autry or Roy Rodgers with a fever, and they would never
let a woman like Rio, Jane Russell's character, get in the bed with
them to keep them warm.
On the way home, my brother Jack said, " If mom asks, tell
her " The Outlaw " is about cowboys and bad guys. Don't mention
Rio. " The next day mom asked, and I told her what Jack told me
to say. She asked about Rio. I lied and told her she was Billy the
Kid's girlfriend. I asked her why she asked. She didn't answer.
Instead, she said, " Don't mention Steel Pier to your
father. "
" The Outlaw, " as Howard
Hughes wanted, made the headlines.
The Legion of Decency condemned
it. It slipped through the Hollywood
censor, the Hays Office, because Howard
Hughes never made the edits he said he
would make.
Jeff Schatz, Owner/President
" Tompkins VIST Bank will be with us in the future
and help us grow even more, " Jeff says.
Schatz Electric has been in business for 45 years. To keep the
business growing, owner and president Jeff Schatz focuses on
mastering new technologies and supporting customers 24/7-so
he's always on the go. That's why he works with the team at
Tompkins VIST Bank, who proactively offer products and services
that increase efficiency, such as remote deposit.
When Jane Russell's film career ended, she became a
pitchwoman for " Cross Your Heart " bras on television.
While I never watched another Jane Russell film in a theater,
I saw her one last time on the small screen. She wasn't in bed
with the actor who played Billy the Kid. She was speaking on
behalf of an evangelical church.
Interestingly, the tour guide at the Wilson home in
Washington wasn't the only one to misidentify Jane Russell in
a portrait. In the 2013 Judy Dench film " Philomena, " there's a
scene at an orphanage in Ireland in which Jane Russell's portrait
was confused with Jane Mansfield by one of the actors.
What's the connection between Russell and
orphanages? Later in life, the curvaceous Russell, who
portrayed Billy the Kid's girlfriend in " The Outlaw, "
established an adoption agency, which brought
children from Europe to America and placed them
with adopting parents.
Mr. Mulligan is a past
president of the Berks
County Bar Association and author of
five Amazon published books.
Summer 2021 | 21
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 1
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 2
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 3
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 4
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 5
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 6
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 7
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 8
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 9
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 10
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 11
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 12
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Summer 2021 - 13
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